Chapter 1

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My earliest memory was listening to two individuals arguing. One had a calm manner while the other was in a panicked state. My eyes were shut as I tried to make out their conversation.

"Don't you see Yushiro, we can't just———like this.." It was a women...I think, her voice was very soothing.

"No, Lady—-Please, you got to redo this...—-isn't right!" A male voice spoke next in a panicked tone.

Their voices kept cutting out as I slowly regained consciousness. Finally I opened my eyes, I was met with a bright light. The two stopped their conversation as they sensed I was awake. The girl quickly moved from the boy and kneeled down to my level.

"Welcome back." The women said with a warm smile, she was a very pale female with black hair pulled into a low bun with a flower pin sticking out. Her eyes had no pupil and were an unusual light purple.
She was gorgeous, the sight of her made my face get hot from embarrassment of how close she was.

Before I could respond the male rushed over pushing my shoulder causing me to fall on my back, "What are you gawking at?" He hissed standing right over me. His appearance seemed more intimidating than the lady's. He had short teal hair that seemed to fade into black at the tips. His eyes were a deep purple with sharp lines for pupils.

"Speak up." He gritted his teeth revealing unusually sharp canines.

"Stop that Yushiro." The lady butted in reaching for my hand. She easily pulled me up which surprised me cause of her frail shape.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself how careless of me, I'm Tamayo." She greeted.

"Hi Tamayo." I blurred out.

"That's Lady Tamayo to the likes of you, have some respect!" The male, which I think is called Yushiro, yelled smacking my hand away from hers.

"What's you're name?" Lady Tamayo asked with a kind smile.

"I don't know.." I really didn't know who or what I am. I can't recall anything.

The two of them gave each other an worried expression as they looked back at me.

"Can you recall anything?" Yushiro questioned. It was the first time he didn't go off on me about something.


He gave me a grim look as he walked out shutting the screen door muttering something on the way out.

"Please forgive him, he can be harsh and inpatient at times but he's really a good person." Tamayo sighed bringing me a cup of tea. "Come, sit."

I immediately followed watching her kneel onto blue pillow. I did the same.

"Does any word stick out to you."

"I guess one word.."

"And that is?"


Her eyes widen as she sipped on the blood-colored chai tea. I did the same, bringing the cup up to my mouth but my cup of tea looked greenish-brown.

I felt something in my mouth cling on the rim of the cup but ignored it.

"That must be your name then huh?" She gave a faint laugh while staring at me.

"(Y/n) name is (Y/n)?" I pondered desperately trying to remember something, anything at this point.

"I guess so." She smiled setting the cup onto a little matching plate.

"It's getting late, I'll have Yushiro make you a bed." She called for Yushiro as he appeared in the doorframe. He nodded as he dragged me down the hallways.

"(Y/n) huh?" He said mumbling.

"Yushiro huh?" I mimicked.

He grumbled in response as we came up to a screen door with a wooden flower pattern carved into the frame.

"You're lucky Lady Tamayo even took you in." He shut the door leaving me alone in the room.

Dumbfounded, I sat on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I felt lost, even tho Lady Tamayo took me in I don't know what happened before.

I walk over to a nearby desk as I look in the glass mirror.

My eyes lit up as I noticed my teeth were just like Yushiro's, explains why I felt something in my cup of tea. My eyes were (E/c) with dagger-like pupils.

*Strange* I thought as I shrugged it off. I guess it was normal...since both Tamayo and Yushiro had the same features...

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