Chapter 2

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"Ayo, (Y/n)! Get up." A hard pillow smacks my head bringing me out of my trance state.

"Yushiro? What the fuck?" I yelped rubbing my forehead.

He looks offended as he scoffs, "Get up, we got shit to do."

I groan as he threw a towel on my head.
"Let's go you stink."

He grabbed me wrist and took me to a room with a rectangular wooden tub. The room was dimly lit with flowers flowing from the ceiling to the walls.

I looked at the tub and back at him.

"What? Get in." He closed the door behind him and grabbed little bottles on a nearby marble table.

He brushed pasted me and turned a faucet that poured water into the tub.


"Do you need help?"

"Oh, I gotta undress?"

"Uh yeah, that's how a bath works."

He turned around as I sighed slowly stripping off my dirty clothes. I didn't notice how filthy my clothes were from last night because of how exhausted I was.

I wrapped the towel around my body and sat in the tub. Once I was comfortable, Yushiro walked over pouring the warm water into my head.

"..why are you bathing me."

"Trust me, I don't want to if you're concerned about that." He huffed with an bored look.

He squeezed a clear liquid onto my head and proceeded to scratch my scalp causing bubbles to form.

I was too busy enjoying the scrubbing to notice blood dripping down my forehead.

"Whoops..sorry about that." He apologized looking at his sharp nails.

Surprising, it didn't even hurt.

Without warning he dumbs a huge thing of water on me practically drowning me. I flung my arms in the air trying to grab something to pull me up.

I yanked on a nearby cloth and pulled it into the large body of water. That nearby cloth was Yushiro's shirt.

He flys into the tub as I finally got the water out of my nose.

"WHAT THE HELL (Y/N)!!" He yelled.

I couldn't help but laugh at his expression, "Oh- Im s-sorry!" I wheezed trying to contain myself.

He grumbled as he stepped out the bathtub. "Just finish washing yourself." He deadpanned as he stiffly walked out the room dragging water out with him.

After an hour past of me rubbing grime of my body I finally felt clean again. I grabbed a towel that was folded neatly and  wrapped it around myself.

Before I could call for someone Yushiro walked in with an button-up collared shirt with an all-white iromuji-haori and dark blue Seigo-Sendeihira styled hakama pants.

Basically the same outfit he had on.

"Get dress, once you're done head to the main room you were in last night." With that he left leaving me alone with the fresh clothes.

Once I got done roaming the hallways for a little, I walked into the traditional set room were Lady Tamayo and Yushiro sat.

"Ah, good morning (Y/n)." Lady Tamayo greeted.

"Good morning, Lady Tamayo." I replied sitting across from both of them.

"It seems you and Yushiro had a little bonding time in the tub huh?" She giggled as Yushiro had an annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.."

"No need to apologize, it was humorous hearing from Yushiro." Yushiro's cheeks flushed as he glanced at Tamayo's face.

"Now (Y/n), by now you've noticed your fangs and eyes I presume?" She asked, her giggling coming to a rest.

"Yeah, but it's normal cause Yushiro has the same thing." I responded promptly.

"She really doesn't know or remember anything does she.." Yushiro quietly whispered.

"Don't remember what, it's normal right?"

"(Y/n), dear, having fangs aren't normal."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you have cravings for flesh?"

"Huh?" I asked taken back, what does she mean 'cravings for flesh'.

"No I don't..?"

Yushiro seemed surprised as Lady Tamayo stayed calm. "I guess my medicine worked half-way.."

"I don't follow." I said crawling over to her a little, "What medicine? What did it do?"

Lady Tamayo looked away in shame as Yushiro lashed out, "How dare you get so close to Lady Tamayo? Don't ask disrespectful questions either!"

I backed away still wanting to know more.

"..sorry if I said something wrong, Lady Tamayo." I bowed my head to the floor.

"No don't do that, it's me not you (Y/n)." She sighed with a heavy heart.

I nodded as I excused myself and walked to the main door. I needed some fresh morning air to clear my mind.

"If it's fine with you Lady Tamayo, could I go outside an-"

"WHAT THE HELL DO THINK YOU'RE DOING?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF?" Yushiro screams yanking my hand away from the doorknob.

*How did he move so fast from his sitting position...*

He quickly threw myself on the floor as I protested. "Why can't I go outside, what's going on?"

I turned to Lady Tamayo for answers but she didn't say anything.

"You can go out when the sun sets." Was all she said as she walks out the room.

I stare at her back as Yushiro pulls me up from the back. He pulls me close to his face by my collar.

"Never try anything stupid like that again, okay?" He hissed in my face as he tails after Lady Tamayo leaving me standing there.

"What's up with these people.."

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