Chapter 8

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When morning came, everyone saw that their campfires were out. Felix said, "Come on, Wendy." Jenny stated, "You too, Sam." Sam and Wendy crossed the gorge on a fallen tree. When they got to the other side, Felix and Jenny got onto them and rode through the woods. The Masked Avenger and Jacob rode on Toronado and looked for Frank. Frank grabbed his horses, got on Maverick, and traveled through the woods, and Robin followed them. When The Masked Avenger saw Frank, he raced after him. Frank looked behind him and saw The Masked Avenger. He then stopped his horse and let The Masked Avenger catch up. Once he caught up, The Masked Avenger stopped Toronado and spoke to Frank. The Masked Avenger said, "I found someone you might be delighted to see."

The Masked Avenger got off his horse and showed Frank that he had Jacob. When Jacob woke up, he was reunited with Frank. Then they walked up to each other, held hands, and hugged each other because they were happy to see each other. Frank said, "I'm so glad to see you again." Jacob declared, "I'm glad to see you too. Thank you, Masked Avenger." Frank and Jacob looked all around but didn't see The Masked Avenger. Jacob said, "Masked Avenger?" Frank and Jacob looked behind them and saw The Masked Avenger on his horse, riding away on it. Since he was gone, Frank got on Maverick, Jacob climbed on Robin, and they rode off into the woods on them since he was gone.

Meanwhile, The Queen's Guards rode their horses through the woods. While traveling, they came to a river they couldn't jump since it was too broad, and they couldn't walk across since the water was moving too fast. Felix looked to the right and saw a log that dropped across the river. Felix said, "We can use this log to cross the river." Jenny stated, "Bad idea. Log bridges are always traps that snap." Felix said, "That only happens in movies. I say it's safe. Let's go." Felix, Jenny, and their horses all crossed on the fallen tree. By then, both ends snapped, and they headed downstream. Their log started to speed up, and Felix was wondering why. Jenny pointed ahead and said, "We're heading towards a waterfall." Felix closed his eyes, but Jenny grabbed a branch off a tree and used it as an oar. She put the pole at the river's side, pushed the log they were on out of the water, and fell to the ground. Felix said, "You saved us." Jenny stated, "I didn't want to die."

Meanwhile, The Two Musketeers were riding through the woods when they saw a family of raccoons asleep. Since they didn't want to be attacked by the raccoons, they slowed their horses down and quietly walked by them. What they didn't know was that they rode right into a cave. When they got into the cave, a bear roared at them, and they traveled on their horses out of the cave while they screamed, but the bear chased after them. The Two Musketeers moved as fast as they could, but the bear kept pursuing them. The bear chased them up the mountain and roared. Frank said, "NO!" Then, many mountain lions came, and the bear ran off. The Two Musketeers rode off while on their horses, but the mountain lions ran just as fast and chased after them. While being pursued, The Two Musketeers rode into a cave, and the mountain lions went in after them. Then they came to a dead-end in the cave, looked behind them, and saw the mountain lions walking up towards them while roaring.

Frank said, "Well, Jacob, looks like we're goners." Frank and Jacob covered their eyes and fell to the ground. While The Two Musketeers covered their eyes, The Masked Avenger lassoed one of the mountain lions in the cave. The mountain lion started to get scared but cut the rope with its claws, and The Masked Avenger fell to the ground. Then they showed The Masked Avenger their claws and razor-sharp teeth to scare him. The Masked Avenger heard thunder outside and got an idea. One of the mountain lions jumped, and so did The Masked Avenger. The Masked Avenger threw his sword at the top of the cave and waited for it to crumble.

The rain started pouring in when the top of the cave collapsed. When the mountain lions saw the water, they meowed when they got scared and ran out of the cave to find someplace to take shelter from the rain. The Masked Avenger said, "It's fine, guys. The lions are gone." The Two Musketeers opened their eyes and saw the lions were gone, but the cave was starting to fill with water. Then, they all climbed out of the cave through the hole before it flooded. Then, The Masked Avenger whistled for Toronado, and he came to him and brought Maverick and Robin with him. Then, they all got on their horses and rode them through the rain. When all three found another cave, they took shelter and waited for the rain to stop. While in their den, The Queen's Guards took refuge in another cave and stayed there until the rain ceased. Since it rained all day, they decided to spend the night in their dens. The Masked Avenger made him and The Two Musketeers a fire to sleep around, and Felix did the same for him and Jenny.

When morning came, they all woke up and saw that their fires were out, and the rain was still pouring outside. When The Two Musketeers looked around their cave, they noticed that The Masked Avenger was gone, but his horse was still in the cave. The Masked Avenger crawled through a hole in the ceiling and slid down to the bottom when he got to the top. When he reached the bottom, he saw The Queen's Guards behind one of the cave's walls. The Masked Avenger climbed up to the top of the cave walls and spied on Felix and Jenny. Jenny said, "Those Musketeers won't stand a chance once we find them." Felix asked, "What if that third musketeer comes?" Jenny stated, "We'll be ready." The Masked Avenger climbed down the walls and back into the hole he came in. When he got back to his cave, he jumped out of the ceiling and landed on his feet.

When Frank heard The Masked Avenger jump in, he brought out his sword and investigated while Jacob slept. Frank went to the middle of the cave and saw a pair of eyes in the shadows. Then he swung his sword at them, and The Masked Avenger saw a sword approaching him. The Masked Avenger jumped out of the way, brought out his sword, and got ready to fight. Frank swung his sword again, and The Masked Avenger waved his sword and hit Frank's. Then, The Masked Avenger jumped and kicked Frank away. He dropped his sword when hit aside, and The Masked Avenger picked it up. Then, The Masked Avenger swung his sword under the guy's chin and missed when the guy looked at him, and The Masked Avenger saw it was Frank. When he noticed it was Frank, he gave him his sword back and put it away.

While the storm was going on, The Two Musketeers and The Queen's Guards re-lit their fires. When the rain stopped, The Two Musketeers got on their horses, left their cave, and left the mountains. When The Queen's Guards' fire went out, they saw that the storm was over, so they got on their horses and fled the mountains to look for The Two Musketeers. When they went into the woods, they saw horseshoe prints leading further into the woods, so they followed them.

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