Chapter 10

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When they returned to the palace, The Queen's Guards put their horses back in their stable and went to bed in their room. While asleep, The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger slept around a campfire to keep them warm during the night. When morning came, The Queens Guards got their horses and rode off into the woods to find The Two Musketeers. When The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger woke up, they grabbed their hats, put them on, got on their horses, and rode off into the woods.

The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger rode to the windmill when they got into the woods. When they arrived, they saw The Queen's Guards coming, so they hid their horses behind the windmill, jumped on one of its propellers, and rode it to the top. When they reached the top, The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger started talking to each other. Frank said, "Thank goodness they didn't get us." Jacob stated, "Yeah, then we would have returned to that awful palace belonging to Queen Violet." The Masked Avenger asked, "Why do you guys hate Queen Violet so much?" Frank said, "Are you kidding? She's awful." The Masked Avenger asked, "How do you know? Have you ever met her?" Jacob said, "Well, no. But we don't care for her." Frank and Jacob started to sing about how much they hated Queen Violet. While they were singing, The Masked Avenger sang with them about how they never even met Queen Violet, and she would be so sad if she was there and heard what The Two Musketeers were saying, but they didn't care. When they finished singing, The Masked Avenger asked them if he could be a musketeer. Frank stated, "Sir, you ARE our friend." Jacob said, "And you HAVE saved us from Queen Violet and her guards."

Frank said, "And you're a good singer." Jacob stated, "And you're a good sword fighter, but we are sorry." Then, all three of them hopped onto one of the windmill's propellers, and it brought them back down to the ground. When they got to the bottom, The Masked Avenger had a little proposition for The Two Musketeers. The Masked Avenger said, "Tell you what. If you let me be a musketeer, I won't like Queen Violet either, and I will have your back forever." Frank said, "We are sorry, but no." Then, The Two Musketeers grabbed their horses and rode off without The Masked Avenger. As they rode away, The Masked Avenger ran after them. The Masked Avenger yelled, "Frank, Jacob, you must let me join!" The Masked Avenger looked down the path and saw that The Two Musketeers were long gone, so he stopped shouting.

Later, The Two Musketeers were walking on their horses together. Frank said, "Hey, Jacob, why does Queen Violet buy too much shampoo and laundry soap?" Jacob stated, "Why?" Frank declared, "Because she doesn't wash her hair or change her clothes." The musketeers laughed at Frank's joke and kept walking through the woods on their horses. While hiking, The Queen's Guards came, and The Two Musketeers saw them. Since The Queen's Guards were arriving, they turned their horses around and ran back into the woods. While their horses were running, The Queen's Guards speeded up their horses and chased after them. When they came to a cliff, Maverick and Robin jumped to the other ridge on the other side, but The Queen's Guards stopped their horses when they got there. Frank said, "Victorious again, Jacob." Jacob stated, "Now let's ditch them, Frank." Frank and Jacob rode off on their horses and left The Queen's Guards on the other side of the cliff.

After losing The Queen's Guards, The Two Musketeers rode down the river on their horses and found a boat next to it. The Two Musketeers helped Maverick and Robin into their raft, and then they got in themselves. After they got in, Frank and Jacob grabbed the oars and used them to row downstream. When they got downstream, The Queen's Guards rode by and saw them in a boat in the river. Then, The Queen's Guards rode down to the river, got into their boat with their horses, and rowed downstream after them.

While The Two Musketeers were rowing, they looked behind them and saw The Queen's Guards chasing them. Jacob said, "Frank, hand me your paddle." Frank gave Jacob his paddle, and Jacob tied it to his own to make one long, two-sided paddle. Then, he put both sides of the paddle in the water and moved upstream faster. Jacob paddled more quickly and quicker until they lost The Queen's Guards. Then he rowed them to shore, beached their boat, and ran off on their horses. When The Queen's Guards saw The Two Musketeers' boat beached by the side of the river, they beached their boat, got on their horses, and went looking for the musketeers.

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