Chapter 13

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The Wizard Sisters and The Queen's Guards walked through the forest until they found their horses. When they did, Felix and Kitty got onto Wendy while Jenny and Megan got onto Sam. Then they rode off into the woods looking for The Two Musketeers. They set up camp and called it a night when it got dark out. The Wizard Sisters then decided to help set up their campsite with their magic. Kitty said, "I know. Let's try the wishing spell." Megan stated, "OK." Kitty and Megan brought out their wands and prepared to cast the spell. Kitty said while her wand glowed orange, "Wishing is good; wishing gives you anything." Megan said while her wand glowed green, "I wish for a campsite, and please bring everything." Then, a kite appeared in the sky, and Kitty held onto the string. Kitty said, "We said 'site and thing,' not 'kite and string.'" Megan stated, "We'll have to work on that spell too." Kitty said while her wand glowed green, "Kites are for play; this kite is very near." Megan said while her wand glowed purple, "Now make this kite disappear." Then the kite vanished, but the attached string fell on Kitty. Kitty said, "You couldn't have said 'kite and string.'" Megan stated, "Maybe that spell just needs more practice."

Since their spell didn't work, they set up their campsite without using magic. When they finished, The Wizard Sisters took off their hats and slept on one side of the fire, and The Queen's Guards took off their hats and slept on the other side of the fire. While asleep, The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger set up their campsite, took off their hats, and slept together. Before they went to sleep, The Masked Avenger put his hat back on and set up a fire for them, and they all slept around it. While Frank and Jacob were asleep, The Masked Avenger took their horses and tied them to a tree. When he finished, he put more wood on the fire, removed his hat, and went to bed.

The following day, everyone woke up in a thunderstorm. Since it was raining, The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger took shelter in a cave. While in their den, The Wizard Sisters tried to use their magic to transport them and The Queen's Guards back to their house. Kitty said, "Rain, go away, rain, leave us alone." Megan stated, "Rain, now you shall take us home." After they recited their spell, the rain spun around them and trapped them in it. When the rain twister formed, they all screamed in terror, and it took them up into the sky. Kitty said, "Not your home, our home." Megan stated, "That spell may need a little more practice." Kitty said, "No kidding."

Megan said, "Time to take us back home." Kitty and Megan brought their wands to the clouds and waved them while reciting their spell. Kitty said, "The sky isn't rainy; the sky is full of light." Megan stated, "Take us back to our house, where the sun shines bright." Kitty and Megan made all four of them vanish, and they reappeared at the top of Queen Violet's palace with their shirts attached to the top of one of the flagpoles. Kitty said, "Hmm. Not what I had in mind." Megan stated, "Me either." Jenny stated, "OK, now get us down." Kitty and Megan took their wands, but then the wind blew by, blew their rods out of their hands, and they dropped down to the ground. Felix and Jenny looked at Kitty and Megan angrily, and Kitty and Megan smiled. When they finally got down, Kitty and Megan picked up their wands, and Felix and Jenny took them to their room at the palace.

The next day, The Two Musketeers rode through the woods without The Masked Avenger. The Queen's Guards and The Wizard Sisters stopped The Two Musketeers when they reached the windmill. Then they fell off their horses, and The Queen's Guards got off theirs. Then, they helped the musketeers up and handcuffed them. After they captured them, The Wizard Sisters took their horses to the palace. When they got to the castle, The Queen's Guards took The Two Musketeers to the fourth floor, locked their wrists in shackles, and locked the door when they left. Felix said, "Bye-bye, musketeers, you fought bravely." Jenny stated, "You're worthy opponents. Too bad you lost."

Felix and Jenny left laughing, but The Masked Avenger was hiding behind a suit of armor. When Felix and Jenny walked by him laughing, he took the keys off Jenny's belt without her noticing. The Masked Avenger investigated the room through the door's window and saw the musketeers sitting on the ground with their arms lifted against the wall. Frank said, "Well, looks like we lost." Jacob stated, "Yeah, but at least we're together." While they were talking to each other, The Queen's Guards were in their control room. Felix said, "Security cameras set?" Jenny turned on the security cameras, and they watched all the hallways. Jenny stated, "Check. Laser traps set?" Felix turned on the lasers in the main hallways so Nobody could get by them. Felix said, "Nobody can survive those. Crocodiles in the moat?" Jenny let the crocodiles loose, and they swam into the moat. Jenny stated, "Ready for any intruders." Felix and Jenny slapped their hands because they knew they did well.

Meanwhile, The Two Musketeers stopped talking to each other and concluded that they were never getting out of that room. The Masked Avenger said, "Sounds like you could use a third musketeer after all." The Two Musketeers looked at the door and saw The Masked Avenger at the window. Then, The Masked Avenger un-locked the door with Jenny's keys and used them to unlock their shackles. The Masked Avenger said, "Come on, we're busting out of here." The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger ran down Level 4 and reached the staircase. The Masked Avenger said, "Here comes a guard."

The Two Musketeers looked in front of them and saw Felix coming. Frank said, "Backtrack." They all ran back but saw Jenny coming their way. The Masked Avenger said, "Here comes another guard." Jacob stated, "OK, we got to hide." They all looked around and tried to find a place to hide. When Felix and Jenny came together, they spoke to each other while The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger stood on the chandelier above their heads. Felix said, "All clear here." Jenny stated, "This side, too." Felix stated, "I'm going down to Level 3. You stay here on Level 4." Jenny patrolled Level 4 while Felix patrolled Level 3. When Jenny left, The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger jumped off the ceiling and ran down the staircase to Level 3. Frank said, "That's one level down." Jacob stated, "Yep, and three more to go." The Masked Avenger said, "We can do it. We can bust out of here."

The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger ran across Level 3 and saw Felix descending the stairs and heading their way. Since going back to Level 4 wasn't an option, they ran back down the hall, saw a door, opened it, and ran in it. They shut the door and noticed a laser-filled hallway when they made it in. Frank said, "Let's get out of here." The Masked Avenger said, "No, they'll catch us." Jacob stated, "Then we have to get through the lasers." The Masked Avenger said, "But we'll set off the alarm if we break any of them." Frank stated, "So how do we get through them?" Jacob said, "I have an idea."

All three of them turned sideways and walked sideways into the lasers. They shook left and right past them. When they were halfway through, they hopped over a few of the lasers. Then, they got down on their knees and crawled under the lasers. Then, they quickly ran and jumped over the lasers. When they got across, they leaped, soared over one of the lasers, and landed on their feet. Then, they turned sideways and squeezed past the lasers. Then they shook left and right past the lasers, jumped over two simultaneously, and were almost out of them. Frank's sword broke one of the lasers when they got to the end and set off the alarm. Frank said, "Oh no." Jacob declared, "The alarm." Jacob stated, "Let's get out of here." The Masked Avenger stopped The Two Musketeers and said, "Wait." The Masked Avenger pointed at the security cameras, and The Two Musketeers saw them waiting to catch them on film. The Masked Avenger said, "The security cameras. Get up against the wall and move."' The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger got up against the wall and started to move against it so the security cameras wouldn't see them.

When Felix heard the alarm, he called Jenny on his walkie-talkie. Felix said, "Jenny, what triggered the alarm?" Jenny went to their control room, looked at each hallway, and saw one of the laser halls got set off. Jenny said, "It's one of the halls of lasers. But I don't see anyone, but something set it off. You check on the musketeers and make sure they didn't escape." Felix went to where they locked up the musketeers and saw the door unlocked and wide open and their shackles open, too. Felix said, "Jenny, they escaped." Jenny stated, "Escaped? Secure the exits, search each floor, and stop those musketeers."

The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger made it out of the hallway, opened another door, and found a staircase. Then they walked down it, and Jenny saw them on their security monitors. Jenny said, "I see them. They're on the staircase heading down from Level 3 to Level 1. We'll intercept them there." The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger stopped by a door, looked down the staircase, and saw Felix running up the stairs after them. Felix said, "Stop, musketeers." Frank pointed up and stated, "Backtrack." They looked up and saw Jenny running down the stairs after them. Jenny said, "We have you now." Jacob noticed the door behind them, grabbed the knob, and tried to open it while The Queen's Guards were still running up and down after them. Felix said, "Stop." Jenny said, "Don't move." Jacob got the door open, and they ran in. Felix and Jenny bumped into each other when they did and fell to the ground. Then they opened the door and ran after The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger. Jacob said, "This is Level 2. If we reach Level 1, we can get out of here."

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