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Falling out of the sky with his wings thoren apart. Is the last thing he remembered before ending up here, here on earth. Walking through the Forrest where he regained consciousness, wondering where he was. It was a cold night with a beautiful moon shining through the thin Branches of the trees. Walking through the forest freezing looking for a warm place. After four hours of walking, struggling with breathing he finally found something. It was a little house, there was no light from inside it looked verry abandoned. While entering the house thinking about what happend and how he got here. Scared of all the noises coming out of the Forrest he turned around. "Oh lord" he said scared. There it was right in front of him, a creature with one horn on the right side of its head. It looked like a monster having two different colored eyes and then the horn. He slowly came closer to where the creature stood. Oddly it also came closer the same way he did. "Is it copying me" he thought. At the point he was only one meter away from the creature he realized it was him looking in a mirror, scared of himself, disgusted of what he saw. "That's me..?" he said to himself right before passing out.

Waking up to the sound of chirping birds and raindrops on the window he looked around him. He heard a strange noise comming from his body. It was his stomach, he hadn't Aten since he got here. "Need food" he heard himself say. A few minutes later he walked out of the abandoned house, again wondering through the Forrest. A few hours had passed when he saw a little village in the distance, it would probably be a twenty minute walk from here to there so he decided to go take a look. arriving at the Village a little boy walked by. "Cool costume" the boy said. "Costume?" He asked. Seeing the confused look on the boys face he said "oh yeah my costume, thank you for the compliment". The boy smiled. "what's your name? " the little boy asked. "Ehm my name is.. Ehm Ethan yeah my name is Ethan. What's your name?" Ethan asked. "My name is Mike" he answered with a big smile. "That's a beautiful name" Ethan said. The boy smiled one more time at Ethan and ran away. "How do I hide this, people will think I'm a monster. I'm not a monster? Right..?" Ethan said to himself while looking for some food.
A few streets further he found a small bakery he could smell the new baked bread from outside the store, it smelled amazing. After a few minutes of starring trough the window of the Bakery he walked in. People where smiling at him, even the bakery himself did. "That's a beautiful costume young man, im sure you will win this years Contest" he told Ethan. "Thank you sir" Ethan answered still a little confused. Ethan still was starving so he asked the baker for a piece of bread. "That will he 5 copper" the baker said while handing Ethan the bread. "I don't have any copper" Ethan said confused. "How are you going to pay for the bread when you have no money to give my child" the baker said almost laughing. "I- I don't know" he answered a little scared. "You know what you can have it kid. See it as a prize for having such a beautiful costume" the baker said while shoving the bread in Ethan's hand with a smile. "Thank you sir" Ethan said while nervously walking out of the bakery.

"How do I find a way to blend in with the other people, to not look like a total freak" Ethan said while eating the piece of bread he got earlier today. While still Mumbling some things to himself he bumped into a running girl. Ofcourse he has to be so clumsy and unaware. Ethan fell on the ground. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you walking there, let me help you up" the girl said. She offered Ethan a hand and Ethan looked up. While he was reaching out for her hand he noticed her beautiful blue eyes, they looked like the clear sky so beautiful to look at, you could get stuck in them for hours. Ethan snapped back. "Eh no I eh sorry I I wasn't looking either" he said stuttering. The girl giggled. "My name is Hazel, what's yours?" She said while pulling him up. "I'm Ethan" he answered nervously. "You have a cool custume, but I really have to go now, maybe I will see you at the contest" she said while running off waving goodbye. "What just happend" Ethan asked himself. He had this weird feeling after seeing this girl. Not knowing what it was he just tried to ignore it and think about a way to blend in.

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