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"Is he dead?" He heard a soft voice whisper. "I don't know. Maybe we should bring him to the doctor?" Someone else said. Ethan opened his eyes carefully. When he regained consciousness he saw 2 boys starring at him. "Holy f**k, okay he isn't dead" one of the boys said. "I told you he was breathing" the other one said. Ethan got up and stroke trough his hair. Halfway with his hand trough his hair he felt a little Knobel, it felt like a tiny horn. "Oh god no this can't be happening now" he thought while looking stressed. "What's your name?" the blonde boy asked. "Ehm my name? Oh yeah im ethan. What's your name?" He answered while calming down. He quickly got his hand out of his hair and sat down. "My name is Jake and that's my friend zack" Jake said while pointing at the that was standing next to him. Zack smiled at Ethan and waved hello. Hazel walked in with a bottle of water and handed it to Ethan. "I figured you didn't drink the whole time since we are here so you probably need this" she told Ethan. "Oh, thanks hazel" Ethan replied. He opened the bottle and took a few sips after standing up and walking to the flying floor. "I'm heading to the forest if you guys don't mind that" Ethan said with a smile on his face. "We can come with you if you like" Hazel offered. "Sounds fun" Ethan said while making place of the flying floor. They all stepped on the flying floor and got to the entrance. "I know a short way to the forest, follow me" Zack said while walking through a alleyway. When they arrived at the forest they looked arounf."what forest part should we go to? The mushroom forest, the tree houses forest or just to the waterfall?" Hazel asked. "We should go to the waterfall!" Jake said excited.

A hour later they arrived at the waterfall. It had so many pretty flowers and animals Ethan hasn't seen before.
"Wow.. What's that deer looking animal? " Ethan asked amazed. "You don't know what a wartowary is?" Hazel said laughing. "Honestly I don't" Ethan answered embarrassed. "That's fine now you know" Hazel told him to make it seem less embarrassing then it actually was. "Look that cute nartel!" Hazel screamed while adoring the nartel she has just found. "Hazel come on, this is the fifth time you see that nartel lets go to the lake" Zack said while walking to the lake. Ethan wanted to pluck a beautiful flower he found. It looked like a bright green sunflower. "DON'T TOUCH THATIDIOT IDIOT!" jake screamed while pushing Ethan away from the flower. "That's a demon's pudina. Don't even try to touch it again they are poisonous" jake explained while being out of breath. "S-sorry.." Ethan said in shok. "Thank you for saving me?" Ethan said confused. "It's fine just don't ever try to touch it again. Do you even know anything about plants here?" Jake responded. "To be really honest I don't know anything" Ethan told jake laughing. "I will give you a book about the things here if you can read" He offered. "That would be great, thank you" Ethan said exited. He likes learning about new things anyways so it would happen at some point. Jake opens his invager and took the book out. "Here you go" jake said while handing the book. Ethan looked at the book before taking it from jake, it was so thick it will take ages before I know everything. "Guys it's getting late we should go home!" Hazel screamed from a distance. They all decided to go home like Hazel said. The the village again they all agreed on meeting up the next day again at the cave and then all went home. When Ethan got to the little house he immediately sat down and started studying the book. He studied for hours and even finished the book. Ethan found out he could easily remember everything he read and got a idea. He looked through the window and saw it was pitch black outside. "Maybe I should  sleep" he told himself while laying down on the couch. Ethan started at the ceiling for three hours before falling asleep.

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