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Ethan has been wondering how to blend in the past two days. Ofcourse he tried all kinds of ways to do so, he tried make-up which clearly didn't work, he tried putting on thick clothes but that only makes I'm seem like more of a freak. "I tried everything how can I possibly not look like a monster. I don't want to look like a freak.. I just want to be normal.." He mumbled to himself. "Can't I just look normal like all the other boys do. The brown curly hair, brown eyes, freckles and normal ears no horns no wings a normal skin color. I don't want to be white as a paper. I just want to be a normal human boy is that to much to ask for.." He said annoyed while kicking a tree. He decided to go machine to the little house in the forest. The door was still opened from last time he was there so he didn't need to worry about not being able to get in anymore. He walked inside and decided to take a look around since he only has been in the hallway and not anywhere else in the house. He opened the hallway door and the first thing he saw was a couch. It was a little dirty but Ethan didn't mind, he was tired anyway so he could lay down comfortably. He decided to not look further in the house but just to take some rest and investigate the day after. He went to lay down and fell asleep not long after.

He woke up and he already knew he slept way to long, because you couldn't hear the birds chirping for the sun to come up anymore. He sat down and decided to go to the village again to see what he could find there. He walked through the hallway and looked in the mirror. He started in shock. "What the.." He mumbled. He got what he wished, he wished to look normal, normal like a human boy. He has gotten brown curly hair with shining brown eyes. He noticed his horns also where gone, he finally got normal ears too. "FRECKLES! " he seemed exited. He put the shoes on he found earlier and ran off to the village.

When he arrived at the village he saw Hazel the girl he met a few days ago walking on the other side of the street. "Hazel right? Wait for me please" Ethan shouted while running towards Hazel. "And you are?" Hazel said with a confused look on her face. "It's me Ethan, remember?" Ethan said. "Oooh, now I remember. You look more different then I expected. I like your hair" she said with a smile. "T-thank you?" Ethan said stuttering. "I'm going to some friends, want to come with me?" She asked Ethan. Ethan was thinking if he should but he just went with it. "Yeah sure I guess" he answered. Ethan and Hazel walked to Hazel's friends and talked a bit. They got to know each other more and found out they had quite some things in common. They both like having long walks through the Forrest or the sound of raindrops on the window in the morning. They walked then more minutes and then arived at this barn with a board above it that read "the cave". Hazel nocked three times on the door and said " CT cave". She pulled Ethan closer and Ethan blushed a little. "Hold on tight" she said. Not even three seconds later the floor under them moved down. Ethan got scared and held on very tight like Hazel said. Fifteen seconds later there sounded a little noise and a door opened. "Welcome to the cave" Hazel said with excitement. "Wow.." Ethan wispered while looking around. Hazel grabbed Ethans hand and walked him to the levitating couch. "Watch out!" He heard someone jell. Hazel pulled than to the ground when not even one second later two kids with hover boards flew over them. Hazel stud up and laughed while Ethan was processing what just happend. She pulled him off the floor and sat him down on the couch where he passed out.

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