Chapter 1

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Mystic Hollow – 1920

The wind howled loudly as the waves crashed onto the already slick rocks of the beach below. It was here that a young woman of 17 stood, casted out from her community for a misdeed that she had inflicted. She was now alone in the world, a parasite to those who she used to call family and friends. She came here to end her life; walking closer to the ledge as the tears fell down her pale face. Her long dark brown hair blew in her face, covering the scars she carried; the taste of the salt water on her tongue as she whimpered out in pain. She could smell the scent of rain in the wind as she moved further to the edge.

It was then the rain began to fall down on her, casting her into a drenched state, soaking her thoroughly as she fell to her knees and cried out in anguish over the life that she had to surrender and leave behind. With such pain in her heart, she had vowed to take her life, not wanting to live in such a cruel world any longer as nothing could bind her here anymore.

She peered over the edge, watching as the waves crashed over and over again against the white sands of the small beach not far from her home. Over the years the beach had eroded away from all the storms their community had endured, the priest stating that it was from all the evil and sins of the people that caused the destruction of their beloved lands.

"For those who sin, you bring great despair amongst the others." He would say every Sunday morning at church. A statement she found amusing as he himself was neither pure nor clean of sin.

She shook her head, bringing herself back to the present, knowing that her time was nearly done. Gathering herself and rising to her feet did she step forward after closing her eyes; the pain she felt slicing through her heart once more, burning her deeply and thoroughly. She felt the ground drop from under her as she plunged to the icy waters below. She waited for the inevitable end to come, but it would never come.

She must have blacked out as when she came to; she had been lying on a rather large beach of white sands. The sun's rays beamed down over her drenched body as she came to sit upright. She was covered in sand and water, a sign stating that she had hit the water, but where was she and how did she get here? She turned her head towards the body that stood nearby, lifting her hand to push the sun from her eyes as she looked to a man of his mid-20's standing there; his foreign cologne wafting around her as she gritted her teeth in frustration.

"What did you do!" she yelled in anger as she got to her feet and moved swiftly towards the man dressed in white. She pushed at his chest, finding that her small, soft hands were no use as he was larger and stronger than she was.

He grabbed her about her small waist and held her into his embrace. She struggled to be let free, her temper coming out quickly. "Let me go!" she said as she shoved and pushed him away, only to be stilled in his arms. She gave up struggling as she went limp and began to cry.

"You'll be alright Desra Wilkins. You're safe now." He said as he brought up one of his large hands and stroked her hair.

She struggled a bit and he let her go a bit. She shook her head as she finally was free of his grasp.

"Where am I? Who are you?" she asked, determined to get the answers to her questions, "Also how did I get here?"

The man removed the hat he'd been wearing, his short black hair glistening off the sun's rays. Her eyes widened as she realized that this had been the man she had lain with and conceived a child with. His hazel eyes pierced her soul as she took a step back, fearful that he may hurt her.

"I'm Nikko Roman, remember? We met so long ago it feels." He said, "And you're in Atlanticka, my home. As for how you got here, I'm not even sure." He said, scratching the back of his head.

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