Chapter 7

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Cleopatra's POV

The goddess paced her room as she realized that both Prince Imhotep and that brat Amaya had escaped from her clutches. Her anger grew as she demanded her guards to burn the gates in hopes to delay the two from escaping. She stormed through her double oak doors and startled the two guards that stood there.

"I want you to go and find Prince Imhotep and Amaya. You will bring them to me alive. They will regret ever double-crossing me." She demanded.

The guards nodded and moved swiftly away, leaving the goddess alone in the dark hallway. She turned abruptly on her heel and stormed back into her room and over to the style room where her beloved Julius stood with their son, Caesarion.

With the disappearance of the two people, both her beloved and son had decided to change their appearances in hopes of confusing those who were after them. Caesar's short, wavy hair was now longer, streaked with blond. He had covered his dark brown eyes with blue contacts, a contraption that had been made by one of their gods. Caesarion's appearance was just as drastic as she looked him over with his short blond hair streaked with black. He had one ear pierced and he now sported a darker hazel eye color.

"Are you sure that this will work?" she asked.

"I'm positive. We will go to Bel-dair and retrieve them."

"Then go. I will expect you both back soon." She said as they hugged one last time before disappearing into the darkness.

Amaya's POV

Amaya had been set down as her captor had stopped to take a breather. He pulled his cloak off his head and sighed. She could tell that he was exhausted from carrying her so far.

"What is the meaning of this?" she asked.

"Your life was in danger. Lilith gave you her powers and her mission to complete. I was told to make sure you survived."

Amaya shook her head, "What did Lilith have to die then?"

"She's not dead, really. Her soul had been sent back to Mahara where she hails from. She is of the Raven coven. She will be back soon with her sisters and help of others that had escaped Atlanticka. Together we will take down Cleopatra and take back Atlanticka."

Amaya sighed, no wonder why she felt different. She possessed a witch's ability.

"Then where do we go from here?" she asked.

"To a city nearby. To my home of Bel-dair."

"Is it safe to go there? Won't they be looking for us?"

"They are, but my family and friends will hide us. They know of this mission. They will help us join forces with the coven soon."

"Then we should move. It will be light soon and if Cleopatra has sent people after us, they could be upon us soon."

"Are you sure you want to keep going? You look exhausted."

"As do you, but we have no choice, do we?"

Imhotep nodded as he led her through the dense forest and soon they stumbled upon a small city called Bel-dair. It was not as large as Atlanticka, but it felt safe. As they moved through the streets in the early morning, Amaya could feel eyes watching her. It wasn't until they reached the gates of the palace that a voice yelled out.

"Prince Imhotep!" the man said and hugged the rugged man. They grinned at one another as Amaya noticed the similarities between the two.

"Hello brother." The man said as he turned to Amaya. "Amaya, this is my youngest brother Prince Anu."

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance sir." She said.

"The pleasure is all mine." He said as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

Amaya blushed as she pulled her hand away, warning a chuckle.

Another man came up to the group and hugged Imhotep. "And this here is my oldest brother Prince Ankh."

"Hello." She said and the man bowed to her.

Imhotep motioned that she follow them through the gates as the sun was nearly up and they needed to go into hiding.

"Is the world going to hell as you say?" Ankh asked.

"It is. Lilith is dead and Amaya here possesses her powers."

"The crone will not be happy about this." Anu says.

"But Lilith is alive right?" Amaya asked.

Imhotep nodded, "She is. The Raven coven will be here today at some point. We have much to discuss before they arrive."

"I'm scared." She said as Anu rubbed her back, "We all are. Cleopatra is determined to destroy our world as well as others. She must be stopped at all costs."

"We all are." A young woman said as she entered the room with an older man at her side.

"Hello sister." Imhotep said and hugged the beauty.

The woman hugs the man back, "And this is?" she asks.

"I'm Amaya." The girl says, bowing.

"I am Princess Yuna and this is my husband Prince Zava."

The woman motions for them to sit at the simple, wooden table. They take their seats as a maid comes in bearing food and drinks. There they ate and drank while discussing what was going to happen.

"So the crone and Raven coven will be coming here, yes?" Yuna asks.

Imhotep nods. "They should be here any time." He said as a beam of white light casts over the sky and the six people get to their feet and head outside.

There stood the crone and her coven of sisters as well as two men, one older and one younger.

"Welcome!" Yuna greets the newcomers, "I am Princess Yuna and this is my husband Prince Zava. These are my brothers, Prince Imhotep, Anu and Ankh. This young girl is Amaya."

The crone nods, "Lady Amaya, Lilith has told us about you. Thank you for holding onto her powers until we arrived."

Amaya chuckled, "I didn't even know I had them." She said.

"I made sure of it." Lilith says as she steps out of the crowd of women.

"Lily!" Amaya yells and flings herself into her friend's arms. "You are alright then?"

Lilith nods. "I had seen this coming and was prepared for it. I'm sorry that I had to bring you into this mess."

"But she was already part of it." The young male newcomer said. "She is my daughter after all."

Amaya looked at the man confused, "And you are?" she asked.

"My name is Nikko Roman, little one. This is my butler Jakob. We have come from Mahara after escaping Atlanticka. I have come to protect you until we can get your mother back."

"My mother is dead." The girl says.

Lilith shakes her head and smiles, "Cleopatra possesses her body, and your mother is quite alive."

"Oh." Was all that was said.

"We must leave for Atlanticka soon." The crone said, breaking the silence. Atlanticka is falling and soon Caesar and Caesarion will be here with their guards. We must make haste before they stop us."

The group gathers as a beam of white light is seen and soon the group of 30 people disappears in front of Caesar and his son.

"This is not good." The boy says.

"We must get back to Atlanticka and warn your mother. They are coming for her."

"They will die trying. I will kill any of those who dare try to harm her." Caesarion said as they turned their horses around and proceeded back to their great city.

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