Chapter 3

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Nikko had hidden in the shadows, watching the horrific scene unfold in front of his very eyes. He shook his head in disbelief that Cleopatra had been able to attach herself to Desra and be pulled into this world. This was not supposed to happen, not now at least. Nikko sighed as he lifted his cloak up over his head and disappeared into the shadows and away from the woman he had loved.

"Be safe Desra." He whispered before in a blink of an eye and he was gone.

He took the air as his small bubble whipped through the air of time and place, sending him back in time to find the missing pieces of Desra's past that would help her to abolish the unwanted goddess that had taken over her body. He wondered if Atlanticka would survive the goddess's evil plans or would it fall into the ashes of darkness.

He made it to his first destination and quietly entered the home, heading up to a room that he called his own. For tonight, he would rest so that tomorrow he would begin assembling the army he needed to vanquish Cleopatra.

The Following Morning

Nikko had woken up some hours later with sweat glistening on his skin. Tears had threatened to fall from his eyes as he hastily wiped his face with his shirt sleeve. The nightmare he had just escaped had been one that he had had experienced before in the past; this time though he knew what was going to happen as the nightmare had finally come true. He shook his head as he threw back his cover and climbed out of bed in search of a pitcher and some cold water.

He stood by the opened doorway leading to the courtyard and outdoor kitchen where his butler, Jakob, stood, preparing the morning's feast. The smell of rain in the sky had him thinking back to the time he had found Desra on the beach. He sighed as he moved into the courtyard, his bare feet touching the stone blocks as he made his way to his outdoor dining table. The air was brisk, yet cold and Jakob had already set out his slippers by his chair. Nikko nodded to the old man before sitting and placing the shoes on.

"I sense Rain." He muttered as Jakob came to his side. The 50-year-old man was dressed in a black tunic and pants and adorned sandals on his feet. His short, gray hair was pulled into a ponytail and braided. His blue eyes looked down to the younger man in concern.

"It is to rain later, Master Nikko." He said as he placed the plate full of food in front of Nikko.

Nikko nodded, "Good morning Jakob. Have you prepared my clothes for the day?"

"I have indeed. They just got done being pressed and the maid is taking them to your room as we speak. Also, Lady Arabella and her sister Mistress Jasmine will be arriving this afternoon to make your acquaintance. They heard of the news in Atlanticka and are coming to help."

"That's good. I have a feeling that Atlanticka is not what it used to be. I need these women's help to save not only Atlanticka but Desra herself from that witch's hands."

"They should be able to help." The older man said, before making his way back into the kitchen.

Nikko sat and ate his food in silence. Once he was done, he placed the plate near the kitchen door before making his way up to his room to change for the day. He entered his moderate bedroom and there on his bed laid a pair of black slacks, a white dress shirt and a black jacket.

He got dressed quickly before heading back downstairs to wait for his guests. The clock chimed noon and a knock on the door could be heard. Jakob entered the foyer and answered the door, the young master rising from his seat and coming to stand behind the man.

"Welcome Mistress Jasmine, Lady Arabella." Jakob says and bows.

Lady Arabella nodded; her long blond hair and piercing blue eyes contrasted with her sister's short brown hair and hazel eyes.

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