You broke me!

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6 years ago

Akshu's POV

"Push Akshara! Push!" were the only things I heard when I was giving birth to my baby, I didn't hear the sound of my Abhi's voice begging me to live for him but I pushed through thinking that no matter what happens my baby boy would not be without a mother. He may not have his father's love but he will always have him mumma who will be with him no matter what happens. Shortly after I finished thinking this I heard the sound of my baby's cry and the last thing I remember saying was Abhir, Abhir Abhimanyu birla....

Abhi's Pov

Something is wrong, I wake up breathing heavily and hitting the side of my head trying to find my love but then my heart sinks when I realize she's not with me anymore. I pushed her away from me and now she won't ever come back! Ever! I just want to see her just once to apologize but something is stopping me, a tiny voice sounding a lot like my Maa's is saying that Akshu was wrong, Akshu was to blame for my brother's and my babies death but I can't believe it my heart is screaming in disagreement saying that my baby, my light of my life would never ever do something like this but I can't forgive her, not so easily anyway. Time, time will heal me but I know in the back of my mind and heart that no matter what I will never get my love, Akshara Goenka back to me, she has left me forever and it's all my fault!

6 years later

Ak: Abhir come down it's time for breakfast!

Abhir- Coming mumma

Ak: Abhinav ji do you Mind taking the pancakes off the frying pan please I'm a bit busy right now

Nav: Sure Akshu give me a second

Akshu freezes and looks at Abhinav for a few minutes

Ak: what did you call me Abhinav?

Nav: Uhm well I called you Akshu Akshara Ji, I didn't think you would mind it

Ak: listen to me now Abhinav I will never stand anyone calling me Akshu other than my husband do you understand! I may have left him but he is still my love and even though I am forever grateful for you helping me during my pregnancy you are just a friend to me and if you ever and I mean ever cross that boundary again you will regret it. I have warned you not once, not twice but 6 times already NEVER CALL ME AKSHU DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

Nav: Yes Akshu I'm sorry it won't ever happen again

Ak: good

Akshu sees Abhir coming to the kitchen and she runs and picks him up 

Ak: Good morning my little angel

Abhir: good morning mumma, good morning chaacha

Nav: Good morning mera beta

Akshu looks at Abhinav for a second and decides not to say anything, she serves the pancakes to   Abhinav and Abhir

Abhir: Mumma

Ak: Haa Abhir?

Abhir: the school is having a field trip very soon, all expenses paid

Ak: Accha really? Where are you guys going to?

Abhir: Udaipur Mamma

Akshu drops the spoon she was serving curry with and looks from Abhinav to Abhir

Ak: Abhir beta I don't want you to go on this trip

Abhir: Why mumma it will be really fun also you know I want to be a doctor when I grow up and there's supposed to be a really good doctor called Abhimanyu birla there and our teacher said if we have time we can try to meet him!

Akshu stood speechless, she had been working extremely hard to keep the truth about Abhir's father a secret from him but it seems that fate  seems to hate her by making her son already know about the person she once loved, the person she now hates but before she could say anything

Nav: of course you can go Abhir it will be a once in a lifetime opportunity you can't miss! 

Abhir: really chachu? Thank you thank you thank you

Akshu glared at Abhinav and decided to deal with him later but now what will she do about her son? she couldn't disappoint him now when he looks so happy 

Ak: Abhir you can go as long at I come with you

AN: ok guys that was the end of the one-shot that I guess will become a two shot or maybe a three shot now will see, I hope you enjoyed and I also wanted to explain that Akshu has told Abhir that Abhinav is not his father but he doesn't know who his father is so yeah I hate hearing Abhir calling Abhinav papa so I just changed it a bit. We'll see you soon in the next part of this and for those of you who are waiting for the book I will put it after I finish this shot ok? Thank you for reading and goodbyes

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