I want my Dadda!

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Aaira and Abhir were playing run and catchers when Aaira suddenly slipped and fell and her knee got bruised
"OWWW" yelled Aaira and started crying because of how much pain there was
"Aaira are you ok!?" Asked Abhir looking at his little sister worriedly, he cares about her a lot and her getting her made him feel like a part of his heart for ripped out
"Bhaiya it hurts!" Said Aaira crying
"Aaira wait here I'm gonna call mumma and come please don't move!" Said Abhir looking worried
Abhir runs inside the house and calls his mother and tells her what happened, they both run outside and Akshu kneels down and starts talking to her
"Aaira baby how much does it hurt?"
"It hurts a lot mumma I can't move my leg it hurts so much"
"Ok baby take deep breaths everything will be okay" said Akshu, taking deep breaths herself as she knew she was on the verge of a panic attack and she can't let her kids see her like that
"Mumma I want Dadda!" Yelled Aaira knowing her father will make her feel better at once
"Aaira I'm trying to call your Dadda he's doing surgery" said Akshu looking at her helplessly
"Mumma please bring me dadda I need Dadda!"
"Ok wait Abhir baby can you call an ambulance and then Dadda until he answers"
"Ok mumma" said Abhir looking scared and quickly started doing what Akshu told him to do
Soon the ambulance arrived and they hurried there way to Birla hospital just as Abhi finished doing surgery
"Akshu what happened?!" Asked Abhi looking at his wife in shock and seeing his daughter hurt
"The kids were playing outside Abhi and then Aaira fell-" explained Akshu holding back her tears
They quickly took Aaira to a room and started working on her wounds
The doctor handling Aaira comes out and tells them that it's nothing serious, she'll need a few stitches and she'll be ok
At the mention of stitches, Abhir starts crying while Akshu and Abhi feel like they're going to faint
"Doctor please don't let it hurt my sister too much" said Abhir folding his hands
"I promise you Abhir I'll do everything I can to make the pain feel less"
"Thank you Doctor" said Akshu looking at him and then Abhira bend down to comfort their soon
"Mumma, Dadda I'm sorry it's all my fault! I should have been more careful! Aaira is my little sister and I promised to protect her but now she's in hospital" said Abhir looking at them helplessly
"No Abhir it's not your fault" said Abhi looking at him and wiping his tears gently "accidents happen all the time and this was an accident, you didn't push her on purpose she fell and that's the main thing, plus Aaira will be all right I promise you" said Abhi wiping his tears as well
The doctor comes out and says that Aaira is asking for Abhi and Abhi rushes inside
"Aaira baby what did you do? Dadda was only gone for a few hours and you fell also, my choti girija" said Abhi laughing a bit
"Dadda not fair! I'm hurt and your making fun of me!"
"Sorry my little princess! But now I won't let anyone near you, I'm gonna protect you forever"
And Abhi lived up to his promise, for one whole week he stayed at home by Aaira's side and did not until Akshi came and spoke to him
"Abhi you can't go on like this"
"What do you mean Akshu"
"I mean I know what you're feeling I really do but there are patients that need you at the hospital and you need to help them"
"I know Akshu but I can't leave her like that, you know when I saw you bring her inside my heart stopped for a second and all I felt was pain I can't see her like that Akshu!" Said Abhi crying
"I know Abhi and I'm so sorry I should have been more careful I shouldn't have let them go by themselves" said Akshu crying herself
"No Akshu this is not your fault! They're kids no matter where they are they can get into trouble we can't stop it"
"Exactly Abhi, you can't stop Aaira or Abhir from getting in trouble no matter where you are"
"I understand Akshu and I'll start working tomorrow"
"Ok Abhi I love you"
"I love you too Akshu"

A/N: Well that's the end of this chapter I hope you enjoyed, @Rimshaxakhtar I know it's not exactly what you asked and I tried to write it but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless

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