I miss you mumma!

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A/N: Abhir and Aaira are not twins, Abhir's twin died when Akshu was in labour and she had Aaira a few years later. They are now 10 and 5 years old 

"Aaira baby come down here breakfast is ready and Bhaiya might finish it before you come" yelled Akshu even though Abhir never touches his food until his sister comes down

"Mumma why are you lying to Aaira? You know I can't eat without her"

"I know baby but this will be the only way to get her down"

"Oh ok mumma"

"Good morning junior, good morning my love"Yelled Abhi walking downstairs with his little princess

"Good morning" both mother and son replied looking at the father-daughter duo and smiling

"Mumma what's for breakfast?" Asked Aaira politely

"We are having waffles baby"

"Yay waffles!" Yelled both kids happily

They finish eating their waffles and get ready to go to school

"Mumma you know yesterday somebody was being very mean to me and Bhaiya so I scolded him and he kept quiet"

"Excuse me? Who dares being mean and  saying  anything against my prince and princess!"

"No Mumma you always told me to fight evil with kindness and be a sherni just like my Nani was right?"

"Yes princess exactly that"

"Mumma where are is my nani and nanu I've never met them I've only seen pictures of them"

"Your Nani and nanu are stars baby just like your sister is"

"Oh so that means Nani and nanu are looking after my sister?"

"Yes princess they are looking after your sister"

Aaira and Abhir leave for school and Akshu sits down and starts crying while Abhi runs to help her

"Akshu what's wrong love"

"Abhi why was fate so cruel to me back then? Why was I not allowed to meet my Mumma? I was blessed to have Sirat aunty in my life but even she died and so did my papa, I miss him so much Abhi! My papa was my life back then he used to love me more than anyone else but fate hated me and took him away from me! I was just a little kid Abhi I was so tiny, I miss my Mumma and I miss my papa!" Akshu said sobbing

"Akshu baby you know na at least your mumma pap are looking after our baby and they will always look out for us. The ones who love us never truly leave us Akshu, they will always be in your heart forever"

"I know Abhi, today while I was helping Aaira get dressed she asked me why she never met her Nani and nanu I almost cried Abhi, you remember how so many people said Aaira looks like my Mumma well it's true, when she asked me that I saw my Mumma's spark in her and I realized that she will always have that in her because that's who she is, she isn't soft like me Abhi she's a sherni like her Nani and she's strong like you! I will always cherish that memory Abhi when I first saw my baby and everybody came to hug her, I was delighted but sad as well knowing my mumma papa will never meet her"

"Akshu I think it's time we go there baby"

"No Abhi please I'm not ready"

"You haven't been there in a long time Akshu they must be missing you"

"You're right Abhi let's go" Akshu wipes her tears and they both head to the place 

*at the place*

Akshu starts walking towards 3 gravestones and starts crying while Abhi holds her tightly trying to keep his tears in from the 3rd gravestone

Here lies Naira Singhania Kartik Goenka, Kartik Singhania Goenka and Abhira Abhimanyu Birla

They both kneel down and Akshu puts the flowers on Naira and Kartik's grave while Abhi and Akshu both put flowers on Abhira's grave

"Akshu do you want a few minutes with your mumma and papa?"

"Yes please Abhi"

Abhi moves back, close enough to see Akshu but far enough to not hear her

"Mumma I miss you every day! I only had a short time with you and then you left me, why? Did you not love me? I wanted you next to me mumma while I was growing up and it's not fair for someone to take you away from me like that, I miss you a lot and I promise I will come and visit you every week"

"Papa you were my lifeline when I was growing up, I was your princess just as Aaira is Abhi's, I know it was difficult for you to live without mumma, torture even but couldn't you have stayed with me? At least until I was old enough, bade papa and Kairav Bhaiya loves me a lot but they wanted to make sure Aru  is so they sent me away, that's not fair I was only 2 years older to Aru so why did I have to suffer? But enough of that, I love you papa and thank you for sending Abhi to me as my guardian angel, he's always there for me and I love him a lot" Akshu stand to move to Abhiras grave when something strange happens, two flowers fall in her hand, a lily and a red rose, her mumma and papas favourite flowers, she laughs happily crying and hugs the tombstones

"I miss you mumma papa"

A/N: Well that's the end of this chapter, I hoped you all enjoyed it especially you @Alpisha123 and this chapter lived up to your expectations. I didn't know what Kaira's favourite flowers are so I just created them. I hope Kaira fans don't mind too much, Anways thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one😉

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