Akshu's pregnancy

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A/N: Just a warning there's gonna be some language so pls be careful if you don't like that

Akshu screams and starts shaking the bed, she's just about to give birth and she's not too happy
"Fuck you Abhi!"
"What did I do Akshu?" Abhi said looking at her helplessly
"You try coming near me again I swear  gonna stab you to death"
"Don't Akshu me Abhi this is all your fault!"
"How is this my fault"
"You couldn't keep your thing in your pants could you?!"
"Well I didn't hear you complaining"
The doctor was laughing at the two of them causing them to break out of their trance
"I'm so sorry Abhi I didn't mean it" Akshu said sobbing now
"Abhimanyu move she's dilated and she's ready to start pushing
"Abhi I'm scared, what if something happens to the baby?"
"I won't let anything happen to you or the baby Akshu I promise"
"Push!" The Doctor yelled
Akshu screamed loudly and Abhi looked at the doctor begging her to stop Akshu's pain
"Akshu baby pls push! We are going to see our little angel in some time but for that to happen you need to push!"
Akshu pushed and pushed for another two hours when finally
"I see the head!" The Doctor yelled
"Akshara one last push and you have your baby with you one more time!"
Akshu pushed with all her force and the baby came out causing her to cry because of the pain and how happy she was the doctor then asked Abhi to cut the cord and he did crying with joy
"Akshu it's a boy!"
Akshu laughed and cried with joy and Abhi handed the baby over to her
"Wait there's something wrong" the doctor said
"What's wrong Doctor?" Abhi asked her anxiously, praying there isn't anything wrong with his wife or baby
"This is impossible!"
"What's impossible?"
"Akshara you're having another baby!"
Abhira look at each other in shock and they both pale instantly
"What?!" Akshu cried happily
"I'm afraid we have no time Akshara you need to start pushing now before it's too late!"
Akshu quickly hands the baby to Abhi and gets ready for more pain, luckily the second baby came out in a few hours and didn't her nearly as much as the first one even though it did pain her a lot
"It's a girl Mr and Mrs Birla"
Abhi cut the cord and was ecstatic. He and his Akshu had two babies a boy and a girl!
"Thank you Akshu! Thank you so much for this wonderful blessing! I love you so much!"
"I love you too Abhi!"
A few days later
"Haa Abhi"
"When do you want to have the naming ceremony?"
"I was just about to ask you that"
"I was thinking in 3 days"
"Yes lets do it then"
"Ok I will start plans for the naming ceremony"
During the naming ceremony
Gorillas: so have you two decided on a name?
Abhira: Yes
They raise their kids
Abhira: everybody meet Aaira and Abhir Birla

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