Ugh, Love ; Chapter 3

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After Akashi and Yuki started dating ; she's been more busy then ever. Every-time i want to hang out with her. Akashis there. It drives me nuts sometimes. Yuki and I were going to hang out then she texted him to come hang out with us. She didn't even inform me until he got here. After we left, We went to yukis house. I was behind them like a bump on a log. Them being all lovey dovey has gotten me so mad. So i just left. i hid behind some trees so the love birds couldn't see me. Ugh. Love, so disgusting.
as i walked away from the tree i saw a little girl. maybe around like 6 years old. I saw her on the floor crying, with her scooter next to her , and some blood on her knee. I went up to her and kneeled down.
     "Hey Sweetie are you okay? Where are your parents?" I ask, i held out my hand and she grabbed it then i helped her stand up.  "No i don't feel okay, i was riding my scooter then a squirrel got in the way and i fell." She said hanging on to my arm. " Aw i'm sorry, Where is your house? i can help you walk there!" i say looking at her then giving her a tissue i had so she could wipe her tears. "Yea it's over there." She said pointing to a small, black and white, one-story suburban house. I walked her over to her house then a guy came out in an apron, Tall; Black haired; VERY muscular, and a tattoo on his neck. Oh my god. He was attractive, I saw the worried look on his face as he came down the steps from the front door.       What if he was her dad? No way, he looks so young. I kept overthinking until he said something. "Oh my god, Minny are you okay?!" He said running down to both of us then kneeling to hug her and check out her knee. "You scared me, you were supposed to stay in the front yard!" he says looking up with a tear in his eye. "Me and luna were looking for you!" he said. "i'm okay , this pretty lady helped me." Minny said. Awww the name Minny suits her very well. I turned bright as a tomatoe when he stood up and said, "Who are you?" He says. Crossing his arms. Staring deeply into my soul. I could not handle the hotness i swear to gosh. " Hi, i'm Robin , You must be her dad i'm guessing?" i say concerned. On the corner of my eye i saw minny put a side eye to me. Huh? Next thing i knew , He was hugging me like a baby. I didn't know the most intimating guy could be so kind hearted and hug me?
   "You don't know how scared i was for her. Thank you! But uhm..did you just call me her dad..". He says backing up from the hug. I KNEW IT. He's too hot to be a dad i thought to myself. "Oh no. i'm her eldest brother!" he says. then a girl from behind him said something. " It's funny mistaking Ash as a father ,  when he can barley take care of himself. i mean look at him, He has food stains EVERYWHERE. Who knows it might be in his butthole. But hey thats a question we do NOT want to know." The girl says as Ash moved to the side then looking at her. Then. We heard a fire alarm. "Let me guess. The food?" i say crossing my arms. "OH SHIT." Ash says running into the house , almost tripping over a rock. How hilarious. Next thing i heard was minny saying, "Oh shit." She says. "Uhm unknown chick , your sister just sweared and i think you should go help your brother." i say, still having my arms crossed then scratching my head. Watching the poor man suffer in the kitchen as i carried minny up to the front door and the other sister carrying minnys scooter to the garage. Ah no wonder he isn't fit for a father i thought to myself. I put down minny and she invited me into the house. i helped her take of her shoes and i just stood there watching Ash struggle. "No wonder he can't be a father , he swears in front of little kids." The girl says leaning against the arch way to the kitchen as i stand watching.
   "LUNA I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL TAKE YOUR VIOLIN AND SHOVE IT DOWN A COMPOST HEAT." Ash says taking the food out of the air fryer. God, the fire alarm was on, the kitchen was filled with smoke. With me and luna laughing. and Minny in the bathroom. "MINNY GUESS NO CHICKEN NUGGETS TODAY!" Luna yells. "So., your all siblings?" i say. " considering Ash is goofy-looking it would be understandable for you to realize we're siblings." luna said laughing while Ash is still struggling to get the chicken nuggets in the trash can. " I can tell me and you are going to be good friends." luna says laughing then getting on her phone. "Considering we do go to the same school." She said. "Oh uhm , then let's hang out!" i say. smiling. Then , Luna grabbed a chicken nugget before ash threw it away , and ate it. Me , Ash and Minny were looking at her weirdly.
      I saw Luna looking at Ash , because he was looking at me.
      " i would compliment your food since your future girlfriend but there would be no use because she can tell your ASS at cooking." Luna says finishing the nugget. "Ouch." Ash says. crossing his arm then taking a large inhale and exhale. " Hey Ashy." minny says pulling on his ENLARGED shirt. "Yea doll?" He says. "Can you marry robin, she's so badass and she's really pretty." Minny says. My eyes go up and His eyes and my eyes meet. "Uh no minny i can't , not now. ok?" He says looking down at her then turnin around and washing his hands. My face still in shock. She pulls on my shirt. "You would make a great girlfriend and boyfriend ro-ro!" she says smiling then skipping off to her room. Luna laughs. "Haha. You 2 dating. i see it. Anyways i gotta go do sum for school. Peace out girl scouts!" Luna says on her phone then disappears into her bedroom door. "Sooo.. sorry about that. They never see me come home with girls. Or ever see girls really." Ash says turning around to me and drys his hands. "Don't even worry about it. I understand." i flash a smile. "Also, uhm it's time for me to go. My mom is probs worried about me." i say turning on my phone to see a text from my mom for me to come home. "Please , let me take you home. After what you did for minny. My treat." Ash says cutting me off before i say bye. "Sure why not." i smile to him. Then we walk off into the driveway. I get into his car, he says bye to minny and luna and plants a kiss on both of their foreheads.    
     "Ready?" he says. "Yup-" i say. Then i was cut off with him reaching over to my seat and buckling my seat belt for me. "My number one rule. Always belt." Ash says winking at me. Oh my gosh. Do i like him? i don't know. AHHH. ( A few minutes later.)
      he dropped me off and he walked out of the car to open my door and he also unbuckles my seat-belt for me. He grabs my hand and makes me watch my step. Gentleman much. "Ok, you all set?" he says. " Yup. Thank you." I say.  He flashes a smile. I start to walk , then he grabbed my arm and kissed me on the forehead. "Thank you again." He says. "Go on." He says smiling. i walk off , he doesn't leave until i get into the house. God, i'm obsessed.
      Ugh, Love. It doesn't disgust me anymore.

A little misconvience leads to a unforgettable ending.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora