Plum ; Chapter 5

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I first wanted to start off saying sorry for being offline for a bit; I had State Testing for the last couple of weeks and i needed to take a break. I am back and on the roll with this story.
NEITHER IS DR. MANNING. If you wanted to use my characters , Ask me! Please and thank you. Now on with... chapter 5!

         That started off scary; weird and oddly crazy. Last thing i knew was me , at the bar doing my job. I woke up to the sound of my mom praying that i would be okay. But other than that, That's all i really remember in the bar. I opened my eyes , i see my mom holding my hand, I see Yuki n Akashi holding eachother right by the hospital door, I saw the fear and tears on her face. then i turn my head and i see frankie crying, His parents comforting my mom and him. Then i see Ash, Luna and Minny. I saw Ash pacing back and forth and comforting my mom as well, i see luna trying to distract minny from what was going on. luna looked exhausted, but i wonder what day it was and what time it was. I tried speaking. "Mom..?" i said turning my head. Frankie Jumped up from his chair and putting his hands on his head, sobbing. Ash ran to me and my mom and grabbed my hand. Then i heard my mom speak whilst everyone was sobbing and waiting for their turn to see if i was okay. "Oh my god , Babydoll are you okay..!" My mom says choking through her words trying not to sob whilst holding Ash's arm. "Yea i'm okay, you guys don't have to cry i'm okay." i say smiling through the pain. "We know your tough sugar cube." Ash says smiling and winking at me while holding my mom. I saw Minny finally turn to me and ran to me , n jumped on the bed. "Ro-Ro! Your okay , i was scared for a little bit i thought you died." she says holding my hand with her tiny little fingers. "I'm okay Min, i'm tough, for you." i say as i bring her closer to me and kiss her forehead. Whilst i did that the other guests greeted me and asked if i was okay.
"It's so good to see you." Yuki and Akashi both look at me. "yea same." i say giving attitude knowing they didn't even look for me , or ask if i was okay when i stormed off. "But mom, did the doctors find out what i was hit from?" i say, Speak of the Devil, The doctor walks through the door, asking everyone to leave and only saying i could have 2 people in the room. I said my mom and ash. Everyone left , saying they'll be in the waiting room.
"So, Robin. We found out what has hit you from the trauma in your head and your body. You have been hit by a some-type of bomb, A stink bomb from the inflation in your nose, we found tracks of poison and some bomb pieces." Dr. Manning says.
My mom covered her mouth in disbelief. Ash sitting behind me holding me between his legs and stroking my hair as i sat up and looked at my mom , also in disbelief. Who would wanna do that.. to me? What the fuck did i do? That's one thing i will never know.
        It's been a week and i'm still shook up by working by the bar, or even in the bar. Who would wanna kill me, Yet with a bomb and poison? I've been in Therapy for the trauma in my left leg and my upper right arm. Also for mental reasons. Ash and Frankie have been both brining me to therapy for atleast four days to five days now; Frankie and Ash have been getting closer and closer ever since and i'm actually curious why. This is my last day of going to therapy, the therapist said i should try healing on my own with my fractures, So today was my last day, and i was thrilled. Ash brought me to therapy with Frankie but Ash had to leave for something , so it was just me and Frankie. "So robin, i didn't wanna tell you in the hospital because you were healing and stuff but i have gotten with riley again, we needed a break since i went to the army and stuff. I think i wanna marry her Ro, i don't know what to do but i love her so much and i have already gotten the ring and I'm planning to propose very soon; and since you guys were best friend when you were younger , as you and i. I wanted to ask if you wanted to be the best- women? i don't have a best man. I want it to be you." he says talking really fast. I couldn't even talk, i was so happy that he asked me to be his best women. "sorry i talked to fast." he says nervously looking up and me then a tear running down his face. "No No, Frankie ; i would love to be your best-women, and i know for A FACT, she will say yes. She talks about you NONE stop. Do it, you have my best-friend code blessing. I say, he smiles.
"i'm strong, i'm ready, she loves you." I heard frankie talking to himself, god he is so silly. "i got this." Frankie says. I helped him with his tie, "you got this. don't be nervous." i say to him. "Okay, thank you." he says walking to her , seeing her family and seeing me getting ready to record. " Hey everyone i wanted to make an announcement for my girl riley." He says walking down the stage. "Riley, ever since i laid my eyes on you, i instantly knew we should be together. When you asked me out to date for the first time i was instantly in love with you. I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out but you had other plans. So... Riley Duval, Will you marry me and make me the happiest i could ever be?" he says getting down on one knee and riley in shock, tearing up as i record. It was silent. "YES FRANKIE I WILL MARRY YOU!" she says hugging him as he puts the ring on her finger, then kissing her passionately. "Oh my god it's beautiful. I love you." riley said. "I love you most." He says. Everyone was cheering and laughing. It was one beautiful day with the newly weds.
Their engagement was beautiful. After they got engaged a few hours later , everyone left, including me. but i stayed last to help clean up, i left last, really late. Ash offered to walk me home, as he was walking me home i noticed the guy the was stalking me had left. God knowing Ash is taking care of me , I would be scared to.
       "Hey ash. Is it okay if you sleepover tonight?" i ask. "Yes of course, let me text Luna that i'll be home tomorrow." He says pulling out his phone as i got closer to him. "Are you okay?" He says. "Yea i just want to be closer to you, i saw a guy following me before you showed up and i just want to be close to you." i say. "of course." He says bringing me closer to him, with one arm around me and his enlarged hand texting luna. God i feel so safe with him. Do i like him? Are you this stupid? Of course you like him.. "Okay, she says that's good, let's go." he says holding my hand then getting ready to walk home. Me and ash had gotten closer when we took this walk to my apartment. I had learned his favorite color is green and blue. His parents had passed away in a car crash, and he became the guardian to his 2 younger sisters. He loves music, especially guitars and he loves motorcycles. His birthday is September 13th.
and he just had turned 18, right before my birthday. i had also learned his last name is Franklin.
  Robin had asked me to walk her home i felt that i was her safe space. She had told me a guy in a black mask had been following her and when she told me that she felt safe with me, i just knew she was in love with me. But i am in love with her to. I texted luna saying that i'll be staying with Robin for the night, i got the text back from luna saying she was okay with it. I had grabbed her hand and we started walking and learning more about each-other. I learned she turned 18 in October, her favorite colors are green , blue and purple. She had known Frankie since she was a baby and her mom is her number one fan. I also learned that she loves singing and she loves scary movies and motorcycles, and I was so invested with her talking, that we got to the house in no time! But one thing that caught my eye, was her favorite fruit was plum. So i started calling her plum. Her Favorite Fruit.
      okay here we are, it's just a small apartment with two rooms. One for my mom and for me. My mom is out of town meeting with a friend so i'm alone, and that's another reason why i wanted you to stay here." i say taking off my jacket and putting it on the rack. I took my keys out of my pocket and put it in the little jar i made in middle school for an art project. "It's cute i love it." he says , taking off his jacket and putting it on the rack as well. "Well i have spare toothbrush and you can have it." i say going to the bathroom getting to brush my teeth. "Okay , i'm gonna undress because i did bring some clothes if that's okay with you?" he says. "Go ahead." i say brushing my teeth. I watched him take off his shirt and oh my lord, he is one fine glass of wine. I finished brushing my teeth then i undressed when he was brushing his teeth.
   We had finished brushing our teeth and doing everything and we decided to talk before we had went to bed.
     "Hey Robin i have to ask you something." Ash said before i had got up and walked to my room. "Yea what's up?" i said sitting back down, just a little bit closer to him. "Actually never mind it's stupid, you can go." Ash said getting the blanket ready and i stopped him. "No, hey you can trust me and you can talk to me, what is it?" i asked and the room fell silent. "Ever since you had helped minny it's just. You have been more appealing to me more than ever. I love the way you talk, you smile and i just want to be with you. and this is turning out really awkward because this is not a nice romantic setting but i needed to get it off my chest. i know it's been a few months or weeks whatever , i just love you and i think you are the one for me." Ash said and i blushed and blushed hard as he looked up at me. "I'm sorry that was awkward-" i stopped Ash, by kissing him. "Yes i'll be your girlfriend. I'll will forever love you to." i said to him and we kissed a little more. "So we're official?" he says smiling and i nodded.
    "Are you sure your okay on the couch?" i ask.
  "i'm gonna be okay plum don't worry." he says getting comfortable. "Okay. goodnight." i say walking into the room. " Goodnight, sleep tight. Love you." HE SAID HE LOVES ME. Oh my gosh... "Love you to." i say closing my door half way and turning off my lights. i had closed my eyes and feel asleep.
     but I woke up from a nightmare and i woke up and screamed. Next thing i knew Ash ran into the room shirtless. "Ro? Are you okay!" he says. "Yea it was just nightmare i have them all the time.." i say breathing hard. "it's okay i have them to." he says turning around, "Wait Ash, can you stay here?" i ask breathing low. "Yea, of course." He says walking into my room, getting in my bed and holding me tight as he lows my breathing and my shaking. "Just breath. I'm right here plum." He says quietly stroking my hair.
         Plum...My favorite fruit.

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