V1: Chapter 4

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The second day of school came along, even though it was technically only the first day of classes. Our class instantly clicked and everyone enjoyed everyone else's company, we were pretty unified.

During the lesson, my dear friend Shibata fell asleep, but no one made an indication as to stop him. Deciding to listen to the lesson or not is our choice, so the teacher wasn't concerned. I didn't initially think this is how teachers acted.

In the relaxed atmosphere of the classroom, it soon became lunchtime. The students started to go out to eat lunch with their friends but I just stayed in my seat for a brief moment until a few people came up to me.

"Ayanokouji-kun, would you like to come to eat lunch with us?" Ichinose asked, Shibata, Amikura, and Kanzaki following shortly behind. An odd group.

"I don't see why not," I responded, putting my bag on my shoulder and following them to the cafeteria. As this was my first time in this room, I took a few glances around. It was the beginning of the month yet there were some upperclassmen who were eating the free meal, which, might I say, was abysmal. Nobody would willingly eat that unless they are broke, unable to afford something slightly better.

I bought something that looked alright to eat but not too much on the expensive side and sat down with my classmates. Ichinose instead of buying something brought her own bento. It looked... amazing. Delicious is an understatement. We shortly began to eat.

"Ichinose that looks amazingly delicious, you said you're 'alright' at cooking? That looks better than the dishes the chefs back at my house made." I said, eyeing up her bento.

"You want to try some?" She asked, putting another piece in her mouth,

"If you wouldn't mind," I replied. She lifted a small part of her bento with her chopsticks and fed me.

"Second day and you're already flirting? I ship it~!" Amikura exclaimed, mumbling about 'all my ships come true'.

This food was amazing. Her homemade food tasted better than my chefs. Comparing them, I'd say Ichinose's is on par if not better than them. Perhaps there are other factors that make her food better. That, I would not know as cooking is the only skill that I did not learn.

"Wow." Was all that could leave my mouth after swallowing the delight, "Thank you for a bite Ichinose, it was delicious."

Just as I was about to take a bite out of my food, a voice echoed through the school, "Today, at 5 PM in gymnasium number one, there will be a club fair. For those interested, please come to the gymnasium number one. I repeat, today-." A cute voice, probably a girl, but who knows, someone's balls might have not dropped, made an announcement over the PA.

This'll be the first time I've ever been in a club if I get in, but we all know that I will.

The group and I all exchanged simultaneous glances, "We going together then?" Shibata asked. The rest of us nodded in agreement, "Great! Let's get into the soccer club together Ayanokouji-kun!" He happily said, eating his expensive food.

"What are you planning on joining Kanzaki?" I asked.

"I'll just be going to check the things out, I don't particularly have interest in joining a club." He replied. That would have been me if Shibata hadn't asked if I enjoyed a sport.

The school day, in my opinion, went by slowly. Time seemed to be frozen still but for obvious reasons, time actually does move at the same pace. I met up with my group and we headed toward gymnasium one.

"Wow, it's bigger than I thought it'd be," I mumbled.

"There are so many people.." Around 100 people were waiting nearby, the rest of the year probably were part of the 'go-home' club as people like to call it.

Seemingly, we entered at the perfect time as the person, the one who spoke over the PA, took the stage and adjusted the microphone to her preference.

"Thank you for waiting, first-year students." We didn't particularly wait a long time, "A representative from each club will explain their activities and how to join. I am Tachibana, the secretary of the student council and the chairman responsible for this club fair. Nice to meet you." After the greeting from Tachibana, the club representatives lined up on the stage of the gym, awaiting their turn.

We all sat and waited for one that piqued our interest. It seemed as though the sports clubs didn't welcome beginners and thought of themselves as superior to the rest. Unless someone with great talent happened to join.

The more people they get though, the more money the school gives them and so they'd be able to get more equipment. They'd accept the new members, increase their budget, and then get them to become ghost members. It's an easy way of manipulation.

One by one the representatives on the stage soon diminished until there was one person alone, give or take 170cm in height, which was the average height I suppose.

He had a slender body, sleek black hair, sharp glasses, and a calculating gaze.

For quite a while he stood in front of the microphone, peering over the first years with an ever-so-calm look implemented onto his face. This man piqued my interest. He stood completely silent.

Perhaps his mind went blank? Or maybe he felt nervous?

Mocking words were thrown at the person on stage. However, he didn't waver in the slightest. Neither the laughter nor the encouragement seemed to reach him. It soon died down but his apathetic face didn't change.

Many were confused but soon the atmosphere became tense and everyone was silent. No one dared to talk - all eyes were on the man on the stage.

The silence ceased when he began speaking, "My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president." He said, "The student council is looking for first-years to replace the graduating third-years. There are no strict requirements to apply for the position, but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. " His tone was that of a soft person, but the mood he created stayed. He alone silenced the whole gym.

It wasn't his position as the president that gave him the power to do so, but he, Horikita Manabu, carried a powerful aura. He dominated the whole gym by standing alone.

"We, the student council, are not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. Not only will that kind of person fail to get elected, they will inevitably become a stain to this school. The student council is only responsible for regulating the students, but the school expects much more. Those of you who can understand can become potential candidates."

After that unwavering speech, the gym was still in silence, until the chairman broke it by telling everyone to go and join a club if they wish to.

"Ichinose. Are you sure you want to be a part of the student council?" I asked, looking over at the girl.

"Mhm! He seems nice." She smiled with a hint of confidence in her eyes. The rest of the group, including myself, sweatdropped at her words.

"You need to get your head checked out girl," Amikura said before any of us could say anything.

Shibata laughed and rested his arm on my shoulder, failing to do so properly as I was taller than him, "Ayanokouji-kun and I are gonna go sign up for soccer, we'll meet up with you guys in a bit!"

Oh yeah, I had nearly forgotten about that.

Before we could leave, Amikura stopped us, "Are we still down for bowling later?" She asked.

Bowling. I went to many places in my free time in the outside world, bowling included. I would say I'm pretty good at it.

"Be prepared to lose," I stated.

"I'm literally too good at bowling! I could never lose!" She claimed, puffing her chest out triumphantly.

"Whatever you say Amikura."

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