Chapter 5: When Fate Just Calls

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She walked towards the ugly creatures. Slowly, slowly moving towards the lake. She wasn't panicking. She wasn't freaked out.
She loved their voices.
The male voices so deep and controlled, so low and rumbling like moving mountains, and the female voices were so soft, like silk and satin, so high, like bells ringing, like celestial birdsong.
They called her and now she was heeding to their call.
A cold, slimy hand grabbed her ankle and dragged her to her fate.
She felt as though she was sleeping as the song grew fainter, as water got into her nostrils, she didn't feel the pain even as her lungs suffered.
She didn't flail or splash around madly as she choked on the water.
She felt at home.
She felt at home as she drowned.
Sinking deeper. Deeper.
Her vision grew spotted.
Her brain hazy.
The enchanting songs of the monstrous sirens grew softer, softer, slower, slower, whispers, whispers... then lethal silence.
The water was so black- so, so, so, black, that she would have thought she was swiming in ink.
She took in a long and heavy breath... not of air. But of water.

She gasped. Her heart skipping long and mighty beats. Then racing. Thumping. Hammering. Resurfacing back to reality. The plate that she held slipped from her fingers and went crashing to the floor.
She had seen her fate. In just a second.
The ceramic shattered before her, fragments of the plate went flying across the floor.
Nearly cutting her feet.
She stepped back in alarm
What was this?
What did that vision mean?
Was that her fate... to go to the realm? To die?
She couldn't think about it.
Couldn't think at all.
Her lips quivered and she shook like a leaf.
Fate had just called her.

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