Chapter 8: Comfort

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Koen tried to convince himself that Kamari was moving slowly and heartlessly because she was simply lazy and never got out of the house.
However, whenever he stole a glance at her, she seemed to have grown paler and paler, and her eyes weren't focused.
     Unlike him– who knew precisely how many steps he'd taken... making sure to precisely count every one– Kamari didn’t even seem aware she was moving at all.
She took slow, sluggish steps. Dragging her feet over the gravel on the street. It was like she was in a trance. As though trapped in her thoughts.
Trapped so deep, her mind would have been masked by dark mist. 
As though if he were able to see those thoughts... he would be horrified.
Her thoughts were haunting her. That was the look.
Koen’s heart caught in his throat. She must be suffering through something, but why… she never told him. Koen carefully studied her. He wanted to help. To be there for her. But he couldn’t unless she let him.
She didn’t even notice his worry. Sometimes Kamari paused and fell still like a deer listening for the sound of a predator. Her eyes would dart around, as though sensing something. Something he couldn’t see. Something dangerous.
Genuine fear radiated from her.
He caught her rubbing at her exposed arms, goosebumps rising. Rising like hills.
It was so potent he could practically smell its arcid bitterness.
He could smell the fragrance of dread. Strong and lethal. It bit into him. Churning his tummy.
He cringed.
He hated her like this. He didn’t like this at all…
It was overwhelming as all at once he was firmly inclined to bring Kamari closer to him, embrace her. Protect her. Keep her safe.
Shield her from the approaching threats that made her shiver. He wanted to wrap his arms around her, to never leave her. Ever.
He wanted—
He would do anything for her. Only her.
Even if it meant going to the ends of the world. He’d do it... and he'd make it special.
His heart beat wildly. Frantic. Hopping. Joyful… his heart hammered. It was indeed true to say that Mari was more than just a friend to him. She was the person he was the closest to in the world. He would do anything and everything for her. And he knew she would too. Anything.
Go to the moon? They'd do it together
Go to those magical fairytale lands she always blabbers about as he listens to every word with a smile reaching his eyes? Yes..
Heck yes, they'd even go to the place where the North wind meets the sea.
They'd visit a land of milk and honey, just the two of them.
They'd be together. Forever.
Friends. For life.
"Mari? Is everything okay? I mean, you don’t look bad, but it’s like there’s something bothering you so I was just…” Koen let his words trail off and his face slightly coloured. Like rose petals blooming against his cheeks.
Why was he mixing his words? He was confusing even himself. He just wanted to let her know he was concerned without making too big of a deal in case she wasn’t comfortable letting him know.
Kamari smiled at him. But it never reached those lilac eyes.
“I– I don't know how to explain. I feel… exposed. It’s as if, any time I come outside... I feel naked to the world. Like it could turn on me or something.” Kamari finished sheepishly and looked away, the smile melting off her face.
    Koen had no words. His hazel eyes glinted with understanding. This was one of the only times he didn’t joke around. He had to be there for Mari.
He had to be there even in her darkest times.
A deeply buried memory sparked into his mind.
His mother lying weak and rail in the hospital bed.
He gulped achingly. He remembered the day so clearly. He sometimes wished he could forget, but he couldn’t.
His dear mother– before… before her soul left the world— she had given him a ring. It was a ruby red ring that always seemed to pulse like a heart against his finger.
Before she had closed her eyes to see him and dad one last time, she had laced her fingers through his and said, “Koen. Even when it seems like I’ve gone, I'm always here.” She had placed his trembling hand on her own chest and he had felt a weakening heart. Rising, falling, slowly fading... dying.
He normally rarely cried. It was a waste of effort and it never accomplished anything. But that was the day he'd cried. His tears gushed over till they could have filled the earth.
“I'm always here, always. I want you to remember– to remember these words.  Friendship- and love, can be found even in the most twisted of hearts. Even in the most twisted of places.”

He remembered every word. Every single one. Engraved inside him. Inside every part of him. Even up to now, the memory still echoed...
And another memory made him bite his tongue and wince…
Kamari had once recited him a poem... when they first met, when they first became friends. He smiled at this memory. She had recited it at that moment.  She'd never written it down– she had never even thought of it as a poem until he’d mentioned it.
And Koen remembered the sweet, honey voice it was said with. Remembered the tone in which the heart was placed into. The passion she had as she'd said the words for him. And only him. It was greater than any gift he'd ever received:

“I know sorry doesn’t make it better,
But all the same I’m sorry.
I know how it hursts, so just remember-
her eyes are closed for the best
Her soul is freed and blessed.
Her heart still beats inside her chest
Even though she was laid to rest.
She remembers you.

Now, Koen turned to her  and held her arm to make her stop. “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain. I'm here if you need me.” He gulped as Kamari fell against him and wrapped his arms around her, holding tight. Their bodies pressed against each other comfortingly.
He felt the silent sobs seep out of Kamari... felt them. Was hurt by each one.
She rested her head on his shoulders and let the tears flow until she was empty inside. Koen patted her back, reassuringly.
Koen had no idea what the matter was, but he refused to pry. Because he understood. He understood that right now, she just needed someone to bet there for her and assure everything was alright.
“It’s okay. You’ll be okay.” He breathed, running a hand through her silky chestnut hair. “I'm here. Always. Don't forget.”

A sudden shadow sprinted at the corner of his eyes.
Koen stiffened. had seen it just as a flash. He glanced around for another sign of it, but it was gone. He frowned, then gave amental shrug when there was no further sign of it.
The boy had no idea.
It wasn’t a mere shadow.
That flash of darkness was a faerie, here for something… or someone.
It lurked in the shadows, watching. Waiting.
Watching... Waiting.
Waiting for the right moment.
Watching... Waiting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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