Chapter 6: The Impossible

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Disclaimer: This is a short chapter...
Note: Don't worry :)



Kamari clenched her fingers into a fist to curb the trembling. She wanted the world to open up, to swallow her. She wanted the world to forget her. She wanted that world- that other world- to just leave her alone.
She choked back a sob, pressing her hands to her eyes. The sensation of almost drowning- of having drowned... it still lingered in her bones. It made her gulp in as much oxygen as she could as though the air would run out.
Slowly, her heart rate steadied and she looked down at the mess she had just made.
"I had better clean that... before Mother comes and sees." She murmured to herself bringing strength back to her body.
She grabbed a broom and began to sweep away all the splintered fragments from the shattered plate.
It was completely unrecognisable now... pieces so sharp, they waited mercilessly to draw blood. The thought brought images of ruby red blood and the searing pain of a slash.
She closed her eyes, sucked in a deep breath. Relax Kamari, she told herself. It's an inanimate object. It's not waiting to do anything. Now finish sweeping and then we can get these dishes over and done with.
When she opened her eyes again, they fell wide open and her mouth turned into an O of surprise.
The plate- all the pieces that had scattered about and that she had begun to gather now sat perfectly intact. The plate was whole again.
No. She hadn't- she wasn't imagining. She wasn't dreaming. No... No she wasn't...
The plate... it had shattered. She had seen it with her own two eyes! It had...
It had...
She grabbed the untouched plate in her hands and studied it carefully. Not a crack. Not a single mark to indicate it was ever smashed to smithereens...
It had come together like a puzzle, melded itself back together. Just like that...
Kamari swallowed the lump in her throat.
Magic had come to haunt her.

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