Chapter 7: Doom's Kiss

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“Holy cows drinking goat milk! How on earth did this happen?” Kamari Reverie was left stunned and absolutely befuddled by this strange occurrence.
After the initial shock, she was left breathtaken… It was like every second, every time a clock ticked, something otherworldly would happen. Something peculiar.
She was very seriously scrutinising the plate as though it contained the secrets to the universe– perhaps it did– just as she heard a knock at the front door.
Huh? She was pretty sure they weren’t having anyone around today. Who could that be?
Kamari heard the door click open, and then some chattering coming from the living room, but she couldn’t make out the voices. She wanted to move closer to the door and eavesdrop, but she didn’t want to risk her mother finding out. So instead she stood as still as possible and strained her ears.
“Kamari,” Her mother’s yell caught her off guard and she leapt three feet into the air. "Koen’s here!”
Kamari’s face flushed. She hadn’t expected to meet him today... she wasn't ready. She sighed. How could she forget that her friend's speciality was in the arts of the unexpected. She swore it was his life’s mission to ensure she never had a dull day in her life.
“Tell him to come in here!” Kamari yelled back.
Kamarai heard her mother’s voice and Koen’s bright laughter as he sucked up to her, as usual. However, one thing alarmed her. Those bursts of mirth were drawing nearer and nearer!
She glanced down and let out a breath of frustration. She had this silly apron on and her hair was up in what couldn’t even be described as a messy ponytail. It was more like a nest. At least she’d finished with the dishes. And despite having had the fright of her life, she sent a silent thanks to the universe for fixing that broken plate.
She would have still been sweeping those splinters till kingdom come.
She finished wiping and clearing the counters and cleaned her hands to make sure her hands weren't still slicked with food and slop.
Before she could even contemplate removing the embarrassing apron that she wore, a voice called and the owner entered with casual, but confident strides.
“Hey Mari. What you up to?" Koen asked Kamari, a grin plastered to his face.
She nodded to the rack of gleaming dishes, “Washing up, but I– what are you doing here? I thought…”
“Our walk, remember?”
Kamari’s brow furrowed and she tilted her head as though searching through her mind for whatever it was he was asking her to remember.
“I don’t– Oh!” Now she faintly recalled them talking about taking a walk about two weeks ago. But they had never agreed on a date and she had already disposed of the idea.
“I didn’t think you’d meant today.”
Koen shrugged, “Well I’m here now, aren't I?” His smile stretched until his hazel eyes.
“Yes, you are indeed.” She chuckled, shaking her head. She couldn’t deny that smile anything.
“So, are you free for a morning stroll?” He indicated the apron and she quickly pulled it off and tossed it aside. “
"You’re always cooped up in the house. You, Kamari, need to take care of that health of yours.” Koen said, placing his hands on his hips like a parent to a child.
Kamari had to grin. This boy knew where to poke and wear to nudge.
“Then Mr Hirokai, why do you assume I’m always cooped up in this house?” She questioned and crossed her arms, her brows touching her hairline.
“Hmm, you sure you want to know what I think? Nah, it’s best if I keep it to myself–”
Her arms quickly fell uncrossed and she punched him on the shoulder, “Come on, tell me!”
Keon mock studied her for a moment, then leaned in to whisper conspiratorially, “The reason is… you don’t want the–'' He paused then continued, using his fingers to put quotes in the air. “And I quote, ‘the faeries to come and capture you and send you to magicalutopianightmare’.” He smirked, raising his brows in challenge.
Kamari scoffed, “Dumbass. It’s my mom who keeps telling me those silly stories. It’s not like I wake up on a random day and start concocting made up nonsense.” She gave him a side eye, her hands on her hips. Though she couldn't help the smile that broke apart her features like a storm giving way to a shimmering sun.
“Whatever you say,” he shrugged. “But I still think that’s why you stay indoors so much. And you can’t convince me otherwise. Sometimes I think you're crazy to believe in such.”
Koen received a deadly venomous glare from Kamari...
“Hey! I’m just telling the truth.” He rubbed at his chest where Kamari had just jabbed him with her elbows.
They stalked out of the kitchen, laughter and insults being tossed around between them.


“Mom, Koen and I are going out for a walk.”
Verena smiled, “Yes, he had already told me. Here I packed these for you.” She handed over a bag of sandwiches and lemonade in bottles. Kamari sighed and placed a kiss on her mother’s cheek. Her mother really did love her.
“Have fun. And Koen, make sure my Kamari doesn’t get into any trouble.” Verena said, with a warm smile.
“Yes Captain!” Koen grinned. “She shall not come across any danger for Hiroaki is here to save the day.”
They all laughed at his silliness, before Verena whispered something to Kamari. Something that sent shivers up her spine.
“Remember. To get to wonderland Alice had to fall. But to get to the Twisted Realms… you must dive in.”
Ice wrapped around her stomach. Her words brought memories of the well. The dark lake in which she drowned. Swallowing inky, murky death.
“Pay attention, my daughter. They hide amongst us.” Was the last thing Verena told her before shutting the door.
Kamari stood still and silent, her eyes glued to the closed door, but her mind far, far away.
Koen was already halfway down the drive when he glanced back and called over his shoulder, “You coming?”
“Yeah- just… give me a second.”
Kamari needed that second to collect herself. To breath. To scream. She needed that second to forget what she just heard.
She couldn't unsee the nightmare flashing in her thoughts, she couldn't not think of the words her mother had just said.
To get to wonderland, Alice had to fall. To get to the Twisted Realms you have to dive.
The madness began its creep on her. The fear engulfed her and embraced her.
Her guts coiled with chunks of freezing cold blocks of ice.
She was drowning... she was drowning in the dark, deep waters of doom.
No sirens sang for her here.
No sirens could mesmerise her here.
Only doom was allowed to do this.
Only doom was allowed to torment her.
Only fate- only fate was allowed to touch her.

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