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"I got our drinks," 

"Thanks, changbin." 

I quickly poured a shot.

"Cheers," I said signaling changbin to lift his cup up.

"Cheers, yeonjun!" 

As minutes went by, more and more people kept looking at me.

But now, I could tell that they were good stares.

People found me attractive, or at least that's what it seems like .

Before I knew it, I started losing count of how many shots I had taken..

"I think that's enough, yeonjun.. you're drunk." 

"No, I'm fine!" 

"No you're not." Changbin told me.

"You're so red, i think you drank way too much today."

"I just want a couple more shots." 

"Yeonjun, that's not really a good idea."

"I'll be fine , dad" I said laughing 

Changbin stared at me smiling

"Well we have an early class tomorrow, so don't go complaining to me that I didn't tell you to stop, because I did." 

"I'll be fine I promise, changbin"

He just stared at me.

"I don't believe you but whatever.."

"Hey.. excuse me." a girl said tapping me.


"Do you have a girlfriend, oppa?" she asked

Oh? Not surprising. Not the first time this has happened. 

"No, I just got broken up with." I said.

"Oh.. can I have your number? I can make it quite easy to move on!" she said

"No, you can't have his number" changbin said.

"Oh? And who are you?" the girl asked changbin. 

"I'm his friend. I said no, so no. Get your ass lost, he's not looking for a relationship right now." he said.

the girl walked away.

"What the hell changbin?"

"You're just gonna get into another breakup, yeonjun it's not nice to feed into everyone's desires."

He was right.

I had this thing of getting into relationships, even if I didn't like the person, just because I would feel bad if I said no.

"Whatever.. what time is it?" I asked.

"It's 1am, yeonjun. We should get going"


"Your so drunk.."

"Can you take me to my apartment changbin?"

"No. I already told you I wouldn't."

"It's not safe for a drunk person to go home alone."

"I told you not to drink a lot.. I'm not taking responsibility for your actions!"

I stared at him. My face was really hot.

"I'll walk you to your car though, jun."

I nodded. A little help is better than nothing. Right now I was in a good mood, but I knew I'd regret drinking in the morning.

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