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•marks pov•

"should we buy this?" Wonyoung asked showing me the pink dress she's holding

I just agreed and look around seeing something that caught my eyes


"you should gave your crush  this, it's cheap but meaningful" He pointed at the necklace

*end flashback*

"what are you staring at?"

I shook my head, "just looking some stuff" I whispered grabbing the necklace

"I'll buy this pls"

The lady smiled, "Good choice young man! It must be for your girlfriend?"

"That so sweet of u markie" She smiled, I rolled my eyes and faced the lady  "no it's for my boyfriend" I stated paying for it as we left the shop


"do u wanna come inside?ramyeon?" She suggested happily, I shooked my head in response, "I'm okay, taeyong hyung must be looking for me"

"I can-"

I cut her off, "It's fine, you should go inside now it's getting late"

*hyucks pov*

"What are you shouting about?" Ten hyung asked entering my room


He smiled lifting his left arm with a shopping bag,
"look I bought what I bought you" he excitedly smiled showing me the swimsuit he bought

I nervously smiled, "but h-hyung I don't know how to swim"

"You will, you joined swimming team right? And also you told me mark swim? He can teach you"

, "o-okay hyung"

"that's my boy, now sleep, goodnight hyuckie" He whispered pecking my cheeks and left

I sighed pulling my teddy beside me

*mark hyung*

*accept / decline*

mark hyung~
-sunshine open up


I stood up walking towards my window seeing him smile nervously

"Hyung! What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry I ditch you guys" he pouted pulling me into a hug, "it's fine, but what are you doing here? It's late"

"I wanna see you" he grinned, "oh and I have something for you" he added giving me a box


"just like what you said, if you like someone I should give them this. And I give it to you"

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