Review criteria

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As a Wattpad book reviewer, my goal is to provide fair, honest, and helpful feedback to authors and readers alike. To ensure consistency and transparency in my reviews, I have established a set of criteria that I use to evaluate each book. By sharing these criteria with you, I hope to provide insight into my review process and help you understand what to expect from my reviews.

Plot/Storyline: Is the plot interesting and engaging? Does it make sense and flow well? Is there enough conflict and tension to keep the reader interested?

Characters: Are the characters well-developed and believable? Are their motivations clear? Do they have distinct personalities and voice?

Writing style: Is the writing clear, concise, and easy to understand? Is the tone appropriate for the genre? Are there any grammatical or spelling errors?

Setting/Worldbuilding: Is the setting well-described and vivid? Does it add to the overall story? Are the worldbuilding elements consistent and believable?

Pacing: Is the story well-paced, with a good balance between action and introspection? Does it keep the reader engaged and interested throughout?

Theme/Message: Does the story convey a clear theme or message? Is it effective and well-executed?

Originality: Is the story original and unique? Does it bring something new to the genre or tropes it uses?

As a book reviewer, I believe in providing a thorough and unbiased analysis of the books I review. To accomplish this, I have developed a scoring system that evaluates various aspects of the book, allowing me to provide a fair and accurate assessment.

 The following scoring system are what I use to evaluate a book.

Plot/Storyline: 1-10 points

Character Development: 1-10 points

Writing Style: 1-10 points

Originality/Creativity: 1-5 pointsPacing: 1-5 points

World-Building/Setting: 1-5 points

Emotional Impact: 1-5 points

Overall Enjoyment: 1-10 points

Total possible points: 60

I will provide a detailed score and feedback on each chapter, including plot/storyline, character development, writing style, originality/creativity, pacing, world-building/setting, emotional impact, and overall enjoyment. At the end of the review, I will also provide an overall review score. 

To determine the star rating of the book, the total score out of 60 will be divided by 12, resulting in a final rating between 1 and 5 stars.

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