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"We've only just begun,

hypnotized by drums,

until forever comes,

you'll find us chasing the sun."

The Wanted, Chasing The Sun.

Prescott Jr. Downey was born on 31 May 1990 in White Mountains, New Hamsphire. Being the eldest in his family, Prescott was said to be the fearless one since birth. Nothing had ever stopped him. He went north, reaching higher and higher until he became the pride of our school; the star of our hearts. And he stayed so, even after darkness dawned on him and infinity claimed him.


I'll tell you a secret. I haven't done many successful things in life, but I take pride in getting into Prescott High.

It was a pretty obvious fact that the population of Prescott High is basically outnumbered by males. There is nothing against female students, of course. There never was. So long as you can survive here, anyone is welcome, actually. But needless to say, very few could.

Ever since we could read, all my brother, Lucas, and I wanted to do was to get into Prescott High. We've slumbered through elementary and middle school, counting down, crossing out days.

Our aim stayed unchanged; our vision was parallel. In the end, we finally got what we wanted. We were accepted, and we both survived. We were finally part of this notorious school.

Before you get any wrong ideas, though, let me just clarify that my surviving at Prescott High had little to do with Lucas. Sure, he was my idol, my pride, and his footsteps were the one I wished to trail after. He taught me how to fight, but the fight was always mine to win, with him backing me up during tough times.

Ask me what I couldn't live without, and I'll have you food as the answer. But when I wasn't playing the fool, if I were to take your question seriously; I would've told you that the answer is really my brother. Without my brother, I wouldn't be here.

Maybe you think that I haven't grown up just yet, but I don't see myself seeing this any differently in the future. In fact, I imagine that my soul mate, the other half of me, would be someone very much like Lucas.

He would be protective; he would be fearless. His arms would be the one I would always feel safe in; his eyes were the one I could get lost in and feel protected. He would be unstoppable; I would be the only one who can calm his nerves down.

Funny how fate has its way of screwing up our lives, isn't it?

Because I was soon going to find out that one day, I was going to meet a person who is a total opposite of the fantasy I had stored for my other half. I would find out that he wasn't fearless; he wasn't unstoppable, at least, not in that sense. He wasn't what I've always imagined he would be, and yet, he's that someone I found myself falling for, subconsciously, until it's too late to withdraw myself.

And you know what the worst part is? I was okay with that.

I didn't want to save myself from the fall, even if I could've. Maybe I'd hoped that thing would turn out differently. I was hoping for a turn of his sail, a change of his thoughts. I didn't know if he would change; if I could change him, and I knew very well that it was a risk I was taking.

But for him, only for him; I was more than willing to take that risk.


For whichever form of bullying in Prescott High, death was the bottom line.

Over the years here, I've witnessed quite a number of bullying cases, or at least, the aftermath of it. Only here, we don't call it bullying. We call it a challenge. The thing is, the victor and the victim was very clear apart right from the start, is all.

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