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"With hands in pockets

This world doesn't have to end

No grand finale

Hands in our pockets

We'll march into the sun."

- Echosmith, March Into The Sun

Prescott Jr. Downey dropped out of several schools after being blacklisted for glorious reasons. In fact, it came to a point where schools simply refused to accept him anymore. That's when he chose Prescott High, and we chose him. Because in Prescott High, we specifically accept students with qualities like him; bold, notorious, reckless; and we expect no less. In the end, Prescott didn't disappoint us. Not at all.


When Greg Stone announced that we were crashing into Lakeview High's annual ball, I was hardly surprised. This was just part of the package in Prescott High.

The principal of Lakeview High, Principal Gupta, and our principal had claimed to be rivals for a fairly long time and they take it as a point to oppose each other in everything they do. Crashing into Lakeview High's events was just one of the few things which our principal favoured.

However, Andrew 'Andy' Kingston seemingly decided to spice things up a little this time.

Andrew was similar to Greg Stone in more ways than one. They strive to be the best at everything they do, and they also make it their mission to take others' down in order to reach their peak. They both wanted to be the next Prescott.

"Let me hold up a challenge, Greg, between you and me," he said evilly. "This time, we split into two groups. We pick our own members; in fact, I give you the privilege to pick first."

Greg raised an eyebrow. "And then what do we do?"

"We will bring exactly two of our school flag along. I'll be taking one and another one will be yours. It's a sure thing that Principal Gupta will have security all over the place. The moment we step foot in Lakeview High, the game starts. The group which gets to the top and raises the flag first, simply wins," Andrew explained.

Once he finished, everyone else was whooping and cheering like the rebellious students that we were.

Greg smiled, holding out a hand to Andrew. "Now let's seal the deal," he said.

Andrew shook the hand without missing a beat. The moment he did, people whooped and jumped; some even banging on lockers to celebrate.

From time to time, I found myself wondering why I even wanted to enter Prescott High in the first place. When I did, though, the slightest flick of the memories I've got left of my mother take its rightful throne at the back of my mind. And just like that, the reason why became clear.

All too clear.


When I was climbing up to my usual spot in the tree branches this time, I realised that Sky was already there.

He held out a hand to me. "Here, let me help you. Oh - um, I know we're not supposed to hold out hands like this here, but um - "

"Thank you, Sky," I said, cutting him off whilst taking his hand.

He smiled at me, revealing his beautiful dimples again. Absentmindedly, I made it my mission to touch those dimples one day, just like how I once vowed to get into Prescott High.

"Have you heard that we're crashing into Lakeview High's ball?" I asked, out of curiosity and also to take my mind off embarrassing thoughts.

Sky shook his head. "We are?" he asked.

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