∞ 07

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"The day I, first met you

You told me you'd never fall in love

But now that, I get you

I know fear is what it really was."

- Demi Lovato, Give Your Heart A Break.

Prescott Jr. Downey was initially a part of Lakeview High, back before he decided to turn his sail in the opposite direction entirely by trying out for Prescott High. Principal Gupta never forgave our principal for that, not that Principal Delrad cared at all. It was in our favour that Prescott entered our school successfully, eventually putting a red mark in the history of Prescott High and at the same time, a black one in that of Lakeview High's.


In my mind, Lucas was always the wise one. When I had doubts, he would be the one to turn to and his advice were the ones which I listened to when I refused to listen to anybody else.

But just this time, I hoped that he was wrong about Sky. Lucas didn't approve of Sky from the start, but I didn't see where he was coming from. Perhaps Greg more or less affected his views, perhaps Lucas thought that I shouldn't let myself fall for someone so easily.

Or perhaps, for once, Lucas was wrong.

However, Lucas's opinions had a large impact on me, whether I liked it or not.

That was why when I unintentionally saw Sky fiddling through some thick files in the principal's room, then snapping pictures of them with his phone; I decided to walk away instead of approaching him for answers.

Because at that moment, I couldn't help thinking that maybe, this was his motive that Lucas had warned me about. Maybe Sky's personality wasn't as bare as I thought it was.

But how could the devil be pulling you towards someone who looked so much like an angel when he smiled?

If Lucas was right, if the truth was ugly; then I'd rather not have the truth revealed. Not when my life was finally perfect. Not when I had Sky right there where I wanted him to be.

At least, not yet.


"Here's what your mother would have said if she was still here : in case of love, keep your heart safe."

"Father, what if I can't? What if I know that it's a trap but I fall for it anyway?"

"That's how you know that it's love, because not all love have happy endings. You'll just have to find out if yours is worth the fall."

"I don't know."

"Have courage to love, Paige. Give it all you have; never live life with regrets. If this love wasn't meant to be, then let yourself fall. Just remember that when you do, I'll be there to catch you."


I've seen Anya Trent twice before, once at the cinema, and the other time at Prescott High. I haven't properly spoken to her, but I could see why Lucas fell for her, and why he fell badly. With her waist-length blonde hair and smiling blue eyes, she looked like she had the world on the palm of her hand.

She looked like someone my mother would've liked to see me become.

I wasn't someone who was unaware of the unspoken meaning behind the word love, or the power of it. But Anya managed to bring my cognition of love to a whole new level when she walked into Prescott High that morning, a whole army behind surrounding her.

Four girls, two boys; stomping on the ground of Prescott High with a mission at heart : to find Lucas.

Initially, there wasn't a problem. Prescott High didn't welcome intruders, but we had nothing against them as well as long as our aims didn't clash. And well, as long as they weren't from our rival school, Lakeview High. But of course Anya and her friends were.

God forbid they should march into our school whilst wearing their school uniforms with pride, yet that's exactly what they did. I didn't know who noticed the clarity of their school uniforms first, for I wasn't there from the start. But I do know that Andrew Kingston was the one who declared war against them.

Halfway through my Biology class, there was an announcement through the loudspeakers. "We have intruders from Lakeview High. I repeat, we have intruders from Lakeview High. Prescotters, it's time to show them what we've got."

Undeniably, I perked up at the thought of a declared war from Lakeview High. It didn't escape my knowledge that there were some notorious seniors from that school whose nature belonged to Prescott High, betraying every last drop of loyalty in their blood.

The moment I made my way into the crowd did it hit me how serious the situation was. This was no war, and that's the worst part of it all.

Andrew Kingston was upfront, crowding Anya and her friends with his minions, erecting a wall of Prescotters against them.

"I'm just here for Lucas," I heard Anya's voice, bold and unshaken. "What's with this crowd? You don't need to welcome us like this, you know."

Pushing my way through the crowd to the middle, I spotted Anya Trent instantly, and it was at that very moment that her gaze met mine. She broke into a smile, a flicker of hope lighting up in her baby blues.

"Paige," Anya said, "will you take me to Lucas?"

I nodded, at the same time which Andrew rolled out a sarcastic laugh. "Did you really think that you could just walk away untouched after you walk into Prescott High?"

"Geez, aren't you an arrogant bastard?" one of Anya's friend said impatiently, running her fingers through her long brown hair.

Andrew took a step nearer to her, tilted her chin up and smirked. "Aren't you hot?"

This seemed to work up a blond boy wearing a black cap. He removed Andrew's hand away and grabbed him by the collar. "If you dare touch Jade again, I'm going to rub your damn face on concrete."

"Leave it, Troy," Jade said, placing a hand on his arm.

Will and Lance each grabbed Troy's arms and pulled him backward when Andrew so much as snapped his fingers. This time, it was Andrew who was grabbing Troy by his collar.

"Maybe you have no idea how things worked around here, but no worries, you little fuck, I'll teach you," Andrew growled and I knew too well what was coming next. I shot out a hand to block Andrew's punch when his fist was just mere inches away from Troy's face.

"Don't put your bloody foot in this, Paige," Andrew said, glaring at me.

"Or what?" I challenged.

"You sure you want to find out?" Andrew asked, wearing a dirty smirk which I wished to wipe off that face more than anything in the world. He took two long strides towards me, as if to intimidate me.

Slowly, a smile crept to my lips. "Try me," I said.

"Stop this fuck, Andrew," a voice growled, and I knew it was Greg's. As if he had some invisible force, Prescotters made way for Greg and a few of his minions, and Lucas. Thank God Lucas was here.

"Let them go," Greg ordered, his glare almost boring a hole on Andrew. Lucas went over to Anya, hugging her not unlike putting a scene of Romeo and Juliet on replay.

"Are you both insane? Do you not know which school they are from or are you just plain stupid?" Andrew almost shouted; he was so mad.

Lucas stood forward, fingers intertwined with Anya's. "Andrew, open your damn ears and register this : Anya is the girl I love and if you dare to even touch her, I will make you regret your life."

Andrew was so incredulous; the expression on his face couldn't get more epic than this. "They are all our rivals, for fuck's sake! Gregory?! Have you lost your mind?"

"I'll tell you what, Andrew, take me as your rival now," Greg said. "Let them stay out of this and consider this our fight, between you and me."

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