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I Had arrived in New York by 9:00 A.M. on Thursday April 10, 2025, for a large movie shoot, ten large photoshoots, a few premieres and red carpets events, and to sign some important paperwork regarding family business with my wives and their family's along with forms and paperwork that is for my company as well which will net me along with my wives and soulmates more money but will make me close to 16 trillion each year. Since my soulmates and in-laws are so close, we all own shares in the family company Umbrella Corp which is even in our soulmate Lillith's personal empire that she had secretly ruled on earth for thousands of years which makes us all lots of money each year now. Since the main owners of Umbrella Corp is me, our soulmates, sister in laws along with other trusted family members our family was going to gain lots of money within the next five years even if our in laws only have a 2% share, they will still make a minimum of 13 trillion each year due to the massive amount of companies' umbrella oversees now. This means my siblings will gain a massive amount of wealth including any sibling of one of my sisters' in-laws or my soulmates and wives. My soulmates and I rebuilt all of Brooklyn New York into a huge city full of five hundred to one thousand story skyscrapers with state-of-the-art technology and defense systems making all cities 100% safe from crimes that will kill innocent people now thanks to my family's various technologies. I was visiting my sister wife Hailee Steinfeld who is not just my wife, soulmate, or one of the mothers of our many children she is also a hidden daughter of Kimberly Kardashian who along with us and her father, and sisters are the only ones that know of her hidden blood ties to the Kardashian-Jenner family by blood and linage other than being married to her soulmates which also include four of her own aunts who are the only family members of the Kar-Jenner family that know she is their niece. I am also going to be staying with my sister wife in our huge new competed part of the newly built Brooklyn City which is the size of New York City being built to cover all of Brooklyn a one huge city. The new buildings I was visiting my fellow wife Hailee in was a part of the newly built Haiz Towers which consists of ten tall building connected by skybridges every ten stories which run of solar energy and our newly built micro fusion reactors that we just perfected which can run an entire city the size of New York State for at least four hundred years when fully powered. 

Once my personal hyperplane entered New York airspace I had the AI takeover the landing as I looked at the finished newly rebuilt New York and Brooklyn Cities which could now each hold close to fifty million people in each city in the near future with New York City having the ability to hold 1,2 billion people between both cities by early 2100 with the new tall skyscrapers. Our family had the entire underground rebuilt as well with hyperloops replacing all trains along with every single building now having huge vast underground parking garages that can hold close two hundred thousand cars per building causing parking on the streets to be a thing of the past including all gas stations being replaced with charging stations for cars in all parking garages. All small snack stores along with other stores were moved into the new stores built into the new buildings allowing people to only pay 12,000 dollars for a year at a time on each store space that had been built into the new skyscrapers causing the owners to make lots of money since they only had to pay 12,000 each year for ability to rent each store space since each store space is at least 1,000 per month which is still more than most rents since commercial real-estate is still slightly more pricey and since there is three levels of store spaces on the first stories of each building we make close to 5 million per building each year which makes us hundreds of billions a year from this alone even with cheap rent thanks to us owning a controlling interest in a cities worldwide now nut the one thing we don't mess with is how the police protect everyone unless they are found to be corrupt which we then have them arrested and killed for their crimes since depending on the crimes being a corrupt government official is now considered treason under the law worldwide in most places now. Our family also made all religion separate from any public office which can be an impeachment offence if racism or religion is used to try to influence the laws of the world. We did make it so abortion is not legal if it's done after 15 weeks since you can now tell and know if your pregnant at two weeks now unless its forced incest, rape, or life threating to have the child but most women if that happens can move their child into artificial womb which can even allow whomever pays us one thousand a child to use that person or persons genetics to create their own child with no genetic defects using this technology allowing you to even pick how many children you can have at once including hair color and eye color, and even the gender if you want but now with our technology our family can change a person's gender to either male or female using our advanced gene therapy technology which allows the transgender community to change fully to the gender of their choice even without parental consent. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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