imperfect saga (ch-31)

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(cut to Piccolo confronting the mysterious creature responsible for the disappearance of nearly all of the population at Ginger Town)

PICCOLO: What the hell is going on here?

CREATURE: (laughs) Let's answer your question with another question...

PICCOLO: Yeah? And what's tha--

CREATURE: WANNA SEE ME DRINK THIS GUY?! (sticks her tail into the man, who starts screaming)


(cut to the creature absorbing the screaming man)

NAIL: (Ugh, oh God... I-I think I'm gonna puke.)

PICCOLO: (thinking) You can't puke, you're in my--

(the sound of vomiting is heard)

KAMI: (Oh good lord, it's everywhere!)

CREATURE: (finishes absorbing the guy) Ah... So, Piccolo... What brings you to my neighborhood?

PICCOLO: I sensed a disturbance.

CREATURE: Well I am pretty disturbing! Remember that time I drank that guy? That was f**king weird.

PICCOLO: So I take it you're the one who exterminated this entire city, then?

CREATURE: Oh, no, no, that was another guy. His name was "Shit Sherlock", first name "No".

PICCOLO: Why? Just, why?

CREATURE: Well, three reasons: first, I was asleep for like, four years, and I am understandably hungry. Two, there's nothing more satisfying than the rush I get from watching a person disappear. And three, and I need you to pay attention on this one... (lets out a huge blast)

(cut to Kame House)

GOHAN: Huh? Why does it feel like my mom is fighting Mr. Piccolo? And Vegeti is fighting Mr. Piccolo? (sounding confused now) And Mr. Piccolo... is fighting Mr. Piccolo?

KRILLIN: That's weird, it even feels like I'm out there.

GOHAN: It feels like everyone we know is fighting Mr. Piccolo!

KRILLIN: Except for Yamcha.

YAMCHA: Well, duh, that's because I'm right here.

KRILLIN: Yeah. And Y/N/alter Y/N or zarbon and dodoria

(cut back to Piccolo and the creature)

CREATURE: Ah... And three...that is how I power the beautiful temple that is my body.

PICCOLO: You... You're a monster!

CREATURE: (mocking Piccolo) Oh, I'm a monster! Like I haven't heard that one screamed at me today. Of all peop-- (she spits out something on the ground, which is a pacifier. The creature stands there looking surprised.) ...Oh, that is just embarrassing! It's not even the right hole...

PICCOLO: As much as it disgusts me to admit, you and I at least have one thing in common..

CREATURE: More than you know... But continue.

PICCOLO: We both get a significant power up when we absorb someone.

CREATURE: Ominous! (Piccolo lets out a huge blast)

(cut to Android 17 and 18 standing out in a frosty wilderness)

ANDROID 18: I can't believe you screwed up the van.

ANDROID 17: Honestly, I don't know what you were expecting. I didn't even get my license before Dr. Gero went all Blade Runner on us.

ANDROID 18: Excuses. Hey 16, how's that tranny coming along?

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