chapter 3: dimergent

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     Tori is wide eyed and open mouthed. She looks at me and whispers to herself, "Dimergent!" I asked her why I saw the odd tail in the test. "You have a special condition called 'dimergent.'" She mumbled. "It means that when you step into water, you transform."

"INTO WHAT??" I was trembling.

"Umm... you grow along tail.... like a mermaid!" She faked a smiled


Well. I'm a cross breed mermaid human hybrid. Whoopie.

What the heck am I going to do? What faction to mermaids join? This test was supposed to tell me what faction to join.

"What am I supposed to tell my parents?"

"Tell them you got sick"

"And became a mermaid?"

"No. Just avoid water at all possible times. No swiming! Keep this whole thing top secret."

"Why?" I was so confused.

"Because the erudite want to become mermaids too."

"Why would brainiacs want tails?"

" Not only tails.... they want your powers too."

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