Chapter 2 part 2: Chaos and Second Arrival

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=======Authors note========
Image used as header credit to: Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

Those imported thugs didn't see it coming.
They were all focused on their conversation about whatever poor soul they had alleviated of his debt repayments the day before.
The one with raven black hair, or as he would come to be known by most, 'saladis' was startled by me coming out of the house. It seems he was expecting someone quite different.
"you're a Martian?" he said with a calmness in his voice. confused. 
Saladis wasn't talking to me. Someone was around the corner garnering his attention.
'why me?' I thought. I mean... it was me right? it didn't sound like me.
'stop! please!' I thought again. "I'm going mad." 

The three thugs glared at me. I was interrupting something.
Saladis' gaze stung like ice-cold daggers piercing my chest. He was dangerous.
Not just dangerous, he was the sort of worrisome that made the tri-forrus company look the other way. They did exactly that when someone was more trouble than worth.
"Either leave the way you came or go the way you were going. quickly." his words were firm and forced me to move. I did not want to stir up trouble, no after the last few days. 
I nodded then gathered my wits once more while very quickly walking past them. I kept my eyes down as I walked past. 

I was far enough away to raise my head and glance back. They were still watching me. "Damn this all," I mutter. "Couldn't be much worse than Mars at this rate, what's next? A war?"I glared upwards into the sky for an answer that would not come. 
Before I was very far down the street, my feet stopped abruptly as a second Sun came into view, it was a second light. It was careening straight at me. "Damn, Damn, Damn!" My thoughts begin racing and my mouth follows suit. My feet have begun to move quickly trying to get into a house, a building or just far enough away that this wouldn't be my problem. No such luck. It all stops as I look back at it again, this time it caught me in a trap. The light just like before was so incredibly stunning my eyes gave up trying to comprehend what forced it into existence. While it was heading towards me I saw it swerve like it had a mind of its own.
As soon as it was visible, panic ensued. Those who believed it was a sign of the gods got down onto their knees and prayed like it was the holy sabbath. Those who believed it was dangerous ran and screamed through the streets passing, pushing, and trampling each other.
Me? well, I was stunned I didn't move or I couldn't. On that day someone pushed me to the ground and I got back up to stare into its beauty, I was transfixed. 
Iridania's beauty forced me to stop and watch as it slowly drifted its way to the ground, like a wisp. It continued to rain those wisps of light shortly after Iridania fell to the soil making it holy. She landed near me, to be precise two blocks away. Her light was far purer than the first, or the others that followed her.
The stampeding stopped, and the panic subsided leaving only a few in the street, myself and a white-haired woman. Her clothes were modest but not poor. we were both trampled during the stampede and now both of our eyes follow that one thing, the light. That incredible light. 
'come closer, please. It's cold, so cold.' I heard myself think again, this time so much louder than before. I was practically screaming at myself. 
The woman next to me didn't seem to hear it. She just seemed to be so, interested in what had crashed, I mean we didn't hear the sound, it is just a safe assumption that it was well... a crash. 

My mind called out to itself again, beckoning my body to move towards something. It moved without me making the choice. I tried to resist it. Desperately straining. My feet kept moving, stepping on top of the garbage left behind by the crowds that ran and panicked through the streets. 
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the woman worriedly moving forward, her body movements smoother than my own. 'She isn't resisting, that's why. Stop resisting, let me in.' That wasn't me, that couldn't have been me. Something was controlling me, beckoning me again. It was painful to move, painful to resist whatever it was that was speaking to me. The harder I tried, the more it hurt. 
I would never give in, not after what I went through on Mars. Never. 
However, it was pointless. The girl walked ahead of me trodding uniformly towards the light. I followed behind her, dragging my feet. 

'Why do you struggle so? you are the one I chose, the one to lead the others. Tempting isn't it?' 
This voice is still my own. I trusted it for some reason, I didn't try to second guess it. I knew it was leading me to something but I didn't want it. My legs continued and the woman disappeared into the light. there was no outline or sign of a human being there before. No sound either.
I wasn't far from disappearing like that as well, I was afraid, so afraid. Each step brought me closer to what I perceived as my doom. My death. 
My paranoia redoubled as my first step into the light was taken. The world fell away around me. Streets block by block behind me disappeared, the stray cat, the bicycles, the neon sign by the deli, everything disappeared and left me aloft. 

I was floating somewhere, it was empty and so bright. Beautiful. 

"Welcome home favored child."

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