Chapter Three: Fear and Bliss.

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========Authors note=========
The image cover image on this chapter was generated by the freepik ai image generator:
(sorry to ruin the experience, just want to cover my bases.)

Fear is the predominant emotion when you encounter the unknown. I was fearful, utterly fearful. Whatever was emitting this powerful light was trying to make me feel safe. The light surrounded and enveloped me like a blanket pulled over my head when I was a child. It was suffocating and warm. It felt like my entire being was covered by this light, everything.

It moved, it wasn't still, it wasn't all light. The light creased and swirled around my body. It felt empowering. It made me feel at home, yet unnatural and so alien.
While I tried to force myself into distress, I couldn't. The feeling was overpowering.
Within the daze of light, a figure appeared. A woman or I think it was.
She stood there unmoving. The longer she stood there, the more my nerves frayed and died.

Soon she moved, they were so deliberate and flamboyant, each step as if the air around her would collapse if she did not step in that precise place. Each footstep caused the air to ring like the universe was announcing her arrival with a marching band of sound barriers being breached. The chorus was the pause between each step.

The daze from around her remained until the moment my fears mounted and I gave up. The last few days had driven me to lunacy. I had no more energy. I wouldn't consider myself a strong individual but I'm a little resilient after what happened on Mars.

During those horrible wars, food was scarce and kindness was even more scarce. Now the rest of the solar system was starting to look very close to what Mars had been like. My emotional castle was breached. Walls were destroyed and the enemy army was allowed in, to kill the monarch and steal the throne. There was nothing I could do. No hope left for me to resist. I was done.

Then it spoke. She spoke. "Come child." Her mouth moved oddly, It didn't look like she was speaking english, or martian, or anything. Her mouth worded it weirdly. Her words looked aliens, it moved sideways and down carefully. Her words were intoxicating, they felt warm, and they made me feel loved. Wanted. It wasn't the actual words. It was what she sounded like. It must be my brain playing tricks on me. I must be asleep. Dreaming. I didnt move, I had my own body now. I think at least.

She paused as soon as I reasoned I was in a dream. Her face contorted, it looked angry. She glared at me. Her gaze burnt me deep, it felt like lava was being poured into my soul. The pupils of those dream shattering and fierce eyes were a blinding white, the iris that flowed around it was a patchwork of gold and red, then lastly, the beautiful sclera that surrounded it all, flooded her eyes with a river of black. Like the night trying to drown out the suns brightness.

Her face soon softened, she had clearly made her mind not to glare at me until my soul overheated and burst like a hot air balloon clipping a large bird. "Child, you are of me, of the cosmos itself. The first of your kind to see such a thing as myself, to see a god." She mouthed, her lips seemed more natural now. They moved correctly, like mine. My thoughts paused. Had she just called herself a god? As herself? Are there are more? What do they want with me?

I try to speak. It doesnt come out quite right. "y-y-you." I stutter. As i spoke her face changed back into the fierce and harsh look. "Ma'am?" I take a long pause, her face softens again. looks like these 'gods' rather like being elevated. "You said you were a g-god?".
She nods, her flamboyantly crystalline pink hair flows out of a hairpin and down to her shoulders. I come to a bit more and realise she wasn't just pale. She was white. Sheet-of-paper white. Oh, what i could do with a single kokee or a pen. A moustache, a mole or two, and she would look vaguely human.

I Stand, or at least appear to. My legs move up and feel like it but the so-called god doesnt get any smaller or closer. "I am indeed a god, young child. A god of the cosmos, the outside, what you humans would call 'out of your local galaxy group'. I could promise you wealth, riches, power, slaves. Anything, yet I know you will refuse me."

 She shrivels her face, it looked like she was thinking. If what she said was true, then I'm amazed she knows so much about me. "You will refuse me because you are a stubborn martian. A young child on a mission to make their own way and scorn their parents." her face unfurls and her eyes become more visible, i'm lost in them. They were an amazing marvel. Before her words even registered I felt subordinate, like i knew my place and refused it.

Perhaps I was just an impudent child run away from a home I viewed as a disgusting abomination. I had food, a shelter, power. I threw it all away to leave, to go so far away from my home that it wouldn't even shine in the night sky. The iron lords could destroy all of Mars and cull the entire population. I wouldn't even notice. The woman becomes clearer still. Her clothing comes into the visible spectrum, It was black and gold lined with red seams. It was stunning, it flowed like a dress and ended in pants. She didn't wear shoes.

"Take my hand, join my cohort and you will be able to go home and fix all the wrongs done by those warlords. I know you have no love left for mars, but I can force peace and prosperity for all. We just begin with Titan." It didn't seem like an empty promise. She believed herself. I had lost hope and my love of home. In the game of comfort and fear. I lost, and comfort won. Perhaps i could just try it? Her recently outstretched hand looked so inviting. Her skin glowed a pale white. I hesitated in speaking but eventually muttered words.

"What do you mean all will be clear?" I stretch my my arm and try to link hands with her.

They bring peace?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara