Crushed, Chopped & Burned pt.1

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~Scene 1~

Everyone's hanging out in the basement before Leo has to go to school...

"Okay, Chase. Enemy grenade, three o' clock!," Donald says

"Hey! Why does he get a force field, and I don't?" says Adam indignantly.

"'Cause if you had one, I wouldn't be able to do this." Bree responds by throwing a water bottle at Adams chest.

"Okay, okay you guys take the rest of the day off and Leo make sure you get to school, I'm gonna go speak at a tech conference, 'as he points at himself' because I'm awesome— I'm gonna have the speedboats detailed, and then I'm gonna go get waxed. Don't judge me." as he points each of them as he walks backwards out of the basement.

"Well, I better get ready for school and catch up with Mason and Madi before they leave for school without me, because they will." Leo says in a rush to get going.

Bree jumps up and walks forward excited "Ooh! I have always dreamed about going to school. Passing notes, going to prom, breaking into choreographed dance numbers after math class." as she says the last part as she does jazz hands.

Chase backs her up "Yeah. All we do is eat, sleep, and train for missions. We're like human lab rats."

"Come on, it can't be that bad." Leo says not really believing them.
They turn around because they hear a squeaking noise only to see Adam on a giant hamster wheel and when he notices them looking at him he turns and waves at the 3 of them and Leo's mouth drops.

Chase and Bree turn back to face a shocked Leo who quickly recovers and asks rhetorically while taking a stab at them "So, you've never left this room? That explains the haircuts."

Adam walks over with a towel and looks offended while Chase and Bree gasp.

Adam cuts in. "I bet school's fun. You know, except for books, classes, and learning stuff."

Leo counters back and says "Well it's not fun when you're "the smart kid." he looks at them with exasperation.

"Well, down here, smart is considered superior." Chase says proudly and raises his head high.

Adam and Bree say at the same time without missing a beat "No, it's not."

Chase then looks at them offended, like he was just told the skies purple and as they argue silently

Leo looks down in thought then looks up like he's just come up with the most brilliant idea ever. "Hey, you guys should come to school with me! You could be my bionic bodyguards! You'll probably be able to do a lot better job at stopping the wedgies then Mason or Madi"

"Okay!"  "I'm in!"  "Let's go!" Chase, Adam and Bree say at the same time enthusiastically.

While they're all celebrating they forgot about the annoying smart home system that was listening to their whole conversation. "Not on my watch, laser brains!" Eddie says, they all turn around and stare defeatedly at Eddie except for Leo who's looking thoroughly disturbed.

"Aw, shoot. We forgot about Davenport's creepy computer." Adam says defeatedly

"I thought it was just in the living room?" Leo questions in a much higher voice then he intend so he quickly clears it and restates his question "I thought it was just in the living room?"

"Nope! You thought wrong I'm everywhere." Eddie says putting the emphasis on the everywhere part to freak him out even more.
"Even in my shower?" Leo questions.

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