Aetheric Academy

335 16 11

Word Count: 1015 Words.

Arthur will have aether powers in this oneshot, courtesy of his training with Sylvia. He will not have Sylvie as his bond. He will have all the aether abilities up to the end of Chapter 429. However, he does not have any of his godrunes, Regis, or mana abilities, due to him having his mana core transformed into an aether core. This story will have a mix of third person and first person POVs. This might change later on as this is the first oneshot.

Arthur stepped out of his room and stretched his body, yawning. He flexed his muscles, and shut his dorm room. Elijah was still sleeping, and Arthur was feeling awfully merciful today. Thus, he didn't wake him up, instead leaving him to face the wrath of the teachers when he showed up late.

Yup. Definitely merciful.

Arthur walked around the school hallways, making his daily rounds. He greeted students and teachers alike, while keeping a watchful eye out for trouble. He finished his lap, and headed to his first class: Practical Mana Manipulation.

He felt a bit excited, ready for another day of teaching. He stepped into the class and surveyed the room. Not many people were seated, but that was understandable since class still had 15 minutes before it started.

Remarkably however, all the students seated were attentive, and seemed excited for the coming class. Arthur was pleased by this development, and prepared for his upcoming class.


What should I teach them this time? Perhaps a more efficient way to use mana? I could use it to find the talented and hard working students, then teach them an altered version of Mana Rotation. However, I can't even use Mana Rotation, and Aether Rotation is out of the question. My knowledge of mana won't be enough to teach them more advanced concepts. I can't experience the methods for myself, so what should I d-

A sudden blast rocks the academy.

I watch debris rain down from the ceilings.

I watch students scream and cover themselves in mana.

I pull Dawn's Ballad out of my sheath and cover it in aether.

I burst through the exit of the classroom, looking around.

I sprint through the hallways and run outside.

I see the pillars holding the school crumbling.

I see a transparent barrier surrounding the school.

I see Lucas Wykes, with a crazed, maniacal face.

I see him attacking innocent students.

I see him attacking Tessia

I feel the rage enveloping my mind.

Before I even know it, my sword is plunged through Lucas' chest.

My sword twists.

I rip it out.

I see a man with orange hair and a white mask, with a crazed smile.

I see my sword slicing his head off.

I feel my aetheric intent bursting out of my body, flooding the air with my aura.

I see all the unknown mages on their knees, gasping for air.

I feel my left fist clenching, forming an aetheric gauntlet.

I see myself stabbing, slashing, slicing, and pummeling all the mages who invaded this academy.

I see the staff and students of Xyrus Academy alike, injured or dead.

I see all of them staring at me in terror, dead or alive.

I know what I did was brutal.

But I was right.


The Lances arrive at the scene. I see Bairon Wykes leap towards his brother, only to find him with a gaping hole in his chest. He attacks me with burning killing intent, a lightning aura covering his fists. I respond by sending a wave of aether, washing out the mana, like water on a cockroach. He stops mid-air, slamming back into the ground. He looks at me, surprised by my power.

Does he think he can win? He does.

But I'll prove him wrong. I sheath Dawn's Ballad, and conjure a blade of aether. I dash at him, preparing to slice him into two.

Does he think he can win?

Does he know what I can do?

I slaughtered the invaders.

I WILL slaughter him.

I summon a second aetheric sword, and aim for his heart and head. He realizes too late that this is a fatal attack, one he cannot block. He attempts to dodge, but he is far too late. My left sword stabs him through his heart, and my right sword stabs him through his neck. He falls to his knees, and I watch his body crumple onto itself. In the distance, I faintly hear the Lances screaming, in pain and rage.

I watch his body bleed out, creating an ocean of blood. In the corner of my eye, I see the Xyrus Academy staff and students, staring at me in shock and horror. Condemning me for what I've done. They think of it as murder. I think of it as self defense.

I see Elijah sprinting towards the front of the crowd before stopping in his tracks. He watches Bairon Wykes' body bleed out and lose its colour. His face does the same. I could care less about what the crowd thinks, about what Elijah thinks. I did the right thing.

"Art? W-What are you doing?"

I stop in my tracks, my swords disintegrating into aether particles. I whip around and see her.


She looks at me, and I stare back at her. Did she see me? Slaughtering people with no remorse? Killing a Lance for no reason? But, I had reasons. I killed them because they invaded us. They attacked us first. So did Bairon Wykes. Sure, I killed his brother, but he deserved it. What I did was right, self-defense, and the logical decision.

But, what does Tessia see?

Does she see me genociding mages who can't fight back?

Does she see me killing a Lance, a symbol of humanity?

I don't know what she saw.

I don't know what she thinks of me.

The Lances surround me, and put mana restraining cuffs on me. I can break them apart any time I want, but right now, I only have one thought.

Did I do the right thing?


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