A Mana-less Fight In The World Of Mortals

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Word Count: 1337 Words. (nice)

This oneshot will detail how Arthur would fight Nico if they both had aether abilities in the Victoriad. Since this takes place in the Victoriad, Arthur will not have the Realmheart godrune. I will be creating some of my own techniques, as I think it would make a more interesting fight. I will also not be including all of the dialogue, as this oneshot is more of an extended fight scene rather than a normal chapter.

A domineering aura filled the air. The challengers in the arena readied their mana, preparing to protect themselves. A black comet slammed into the arena, and an explosion of energy sent them flying. A cloud of dust filled the arena. A wave of black energy cleared the dust, revealing a boy, who looked like a normal 18 year old kid, if you discounted the rage in his eyes.

"Grey! I know you're here! I accept your challenge, you bastard! So face me!"

Eyes from the Melee Enhancement Tactics class turned towards a man sporting a fur-lined coat and the Central Academy uniform.

"Nico, you look like garbage, old friend."


I stepped forward, meeting Nico's hateful eyes. I could see the untamed rage burning in his eyes, ready to snap me apart. Unfortunately, I didn't challenge him to die. I couldn't hold back, and there was no more forgiving. I had taken his love in our previous life, and he took mine in this life. The hate between us had reached a breaking point. Somebody had to go.

Nico pressed his aether forward, an untasteful black colour, tainted with his undying hate. I responded in kind by pushing mine forward as well. Our auras pressed down on each other, not falling to either side. In the corner of my eye, I could see the audience drowning for breath. If this continued, they would all die, including my class.

I steadied my aura for a second, letting Nico's overwhelm me. I then unleashed a massive burst of aetheric intent, shattering Nico's, and knocking most of the audience unconscious. Without losing a beat, I summoned an aetheric sword and God Stepped towards Nico, prepared to cut off his head. He barely managed to block it by enveloping his fist with aether. I immediately summoned an aether dagger, and yanked it towards his head. He teleported away, in a move quite similar to God Step.

I changed my dagger into another sword, while summoning more to surround my body, with all of their tips pointing at Nico. This technique was what I liked to call "Godseeking Swords". It was designed to only be blockable by an asura or an equally powerful aether user. Today, I would test that theory.

I infused a large amount of aether into each sword, covering it with aether gained from the God Step godrune. I unleashed the swords one by one at Nico, aiming each of them at a different vital point. When he teleported away, the swords followed, teleporting towards him. The God Step energy in them ensured they did.

I called Regis, and he jumped out of my body. He looked at me, seemingly asking a silent question. I nodded, and promptly stabbed both the swords in my hands into him. The Destruction energy in his body flooded my swords, creating an aura around them akin to soulfire. I turned towards Nico, and watched him repeatedly dodge the swords. At some point, he had conjured aetheric swords to attempt to block the flying swords, to no avail.

He turned towards me, and teleported straight in front of me, ready for a killing blow. I responded by slashing my swords horizontally, destroying his aetheric swords instantly. He jumped away, and in his haste, a flying sword stabbed him through his thigh. He screamed, and a teleport took him to the other side of the arena. Around the same time, the flying swords used up all their aether, and promptly disintegrated.


What kind of witchcraft had Grey created? A gatling of swords, teleporting closer to me, following me no matter where I go. Luckily, they had run out of aether, but now I had an injury in my thigh. No matter how I tried to patch it with aether, his aether would block it. I managed to stop the bleeding for now, but there was still a large gash.

From now on, I'll acknowledge Grey as a true adversary, and I will fight with the intention to win, whether I live or die.

I gathered an astonishingly heavy aetheric aura around my swords, pouring all my aether into it. Grey, seemingly detecting my intention, raised his swords, and transformed them into a large shield. It wouldn't change a single thing.

I lunged forward and teleported behind him. His inhumane reaction time immediately spun him around and raised his shield. Unfortunately, he had just been baited. I immediately transformed my swords into daggers, and layered the aetheric aura even more, all in the span of a single second.

I teleported to his right, and slashed him once, before teleporting to his left and slashing him again. I teleported behind him and slashed him, then teleported in front of him, transformed my daggers into swords, and stabbed him.

He teleported away, but it was too late for him. My heavy aetheric aura prevented any sort of healing. He would bleed out in agonizing pain while I watched.


This is dangerous.

I crouched on the ground, bleeding out at a frightening rate. Despite my best attempts, Nico's heavy aether prevented any sort of progress. I racked my brain, but I could only come up with one solution.

When I blocked his healing after stabbing him in the thigh, I had to control the aether. This meant if Nico's core is shattered, he falls unconscious, or he dies, then his aether will dissipate, and I will be able to heal.

However, I had little time. There was no time to knock him out or play it safe. I had to put my all into the next attack. I summoned a cloud of aetheric swords, each of them surrounding me, their tips pointed towards Nico. I summoned Regis and stabbed all of the swords into him.

58 swords surrounded me, with 2 in my hand, all covered with the purple flame of Destruction. I dumped all of my aether into them, covering them all equally. My head felt lightheaded from forcibly spreading my aether across the swords, but it didn't matter, nor did I care.

I unleashed all of them at once, aiming for Nico's core. At the same time, I God Stepped forward, aiming to cut off his head in a single slash. He raised an aether shield to block me and the swords, but the swords shattered it nearly instantly from their combined impact, and I Burst Stepped forward, stabbing both my swords into his core.


I gasped in pain, desummoning my shield in an instant, and withdrawing the heavy aether I placed on Grey's wounds. I looked down, unable to believe what had just happened. I had gotten an aether core, and now, it was gone. I collapsed to my knees in agonizing pain. The world felt faint, and I could feel my consciousness fading.

Instinctively, I knew: This would be my end.

I wrenched my eyes upwards, staring at Grey. I could see his wounds slowly close up. He looked at me with an odd look of pity and sorrow. I didn't want his pity. He had never given it to me before, so why now? Would my death magically mend our emotional wounds, fixing the bridge between us that had long been burned down?

No, it wouldn't.

We both knew it wouldn't.

I let out a low chuckle, coughing up copious amounts of blood.

Grey stood up, and turned away, walking slowly towards the scythes.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Melzri rushing towards me.

I knew it would be too late.

I gave her a smile, and closed my eyes.

My last thought before fading from this world was Cecilia. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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