Chapter 4

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After dinner Elizabeth accompanied Miss Raven to her office, still feeling nervous about the events that happened during dinner, she could not help but feel that part of this was her fault

They walked into the office and signaled Elizabeth to sit down as she headed towards the cabinet

"You must excuse Enoch for his behavior, he's not accustomed to meeting new people" the older woman apologized, Elizabeth stayed quiet so miss raven continued searching through her many books in the cabinet

"Although... he wasn't exactly being untruthful" she began she grabbed a large book with a brown cover, opening it and flipping a few pages, once she reached her desired page she headed towards Elizabeth, sitting at the chair next to her and showing her the page

"This is the other reason why we are in hiding" she said, Elizabeth scanned the page, she couldn't comprehend what it said but there was an image , multiple people sitting in a dark room, the only light in the image shone in the middle of the room, spotlighting what appeared to be a piece of machinery with a cage, a bird inside of it, the people in the room were sitting in a circle surrounding the artifact

"What is this?" She asked in confusion and a little embarrassment on that fact that she couldn't understand what was written, Miss Raven sat in the chair that was next to her, she seemed to catch Elizabeth's struggle but decided not to say anything

"I told you how I have the ability to rewind time so we can stay here forever and never age" she began "well a group of peculiars wanted to find a way to live forever even outside of a loop, so they conducted an experiment using an ymbrine they had taken captive, they though the experience was going to work... but it did something else instead" she flipped to the next page

Elizabeth saw an image of multiple people with eerie white eyes, all standing in a group picture, but the page next showed three images of children, but instead of eyes there were just black empty holes, Elizabeth gasped slightly

"The experiment turned them into invisible mindless beast, we call them hollowgast, Hollows for short, they're dangerous and deadly... years later they found a way to reverse the effects and regain humanity, they stared raiding loops" she pointed at the picture of the children "this is why... they discovered that the only way to reverse the effects was to consume the eyes of other peculiars, especially children. Once they consume enough, they regain they normal forms, but the only thing that stayed the same was their eyes, wights is what they're know as" she pointed back at the group photo, she closed the book and Elizabeth looked at miss raven, her expression mixed between shock and confusion

"There are some that do not need them anymore but they still want to help their hollow friends, which is why we are hiding, I wasn't planning to tell you until later, but I apologize for not telling you the dangers of being who we are" She apologized, Elizabeth didn't really know what to think, on one hand she was a little upset she wasn't told about this sooner, but on the other hand she could see why they would withhold that information, after thinking for a few seconds she came up with a response

"I understand why you would withhold this information, so I can not blame you for the secrecy" she said and Miss raven smiled in relief

"That's good to hear" she said happily

"And I have been thinking about about staying here, I am safer here than I would be outside of the loop, and Sebastian was correct about the fact that I do not know any other place I could go.... So if the offer is still available, I would love to live here" Elizabeth said and Miss Raven's smile widened in happiness

"I glad you decided to stay, I can promise you will find great comfort here" she said happily and Elizabeth face brightened, a few seconds went by before Miss Raven spoked

"Tomorrow we'll discuss house rules and arrangements of the sort, but for now you should get some rest, you've had a long day" she said before getting up with the help of her cane, Elizabeth followed as Miss Raven guided her to the door "I assume Miss Stager showed you where your bedroom is?"

Elizabeth said a quiet "yes" while heading out the door, she closed the door on her way out but when she turned she was met face to face with Enoch, the two teens stared at each other for what felt like a eternity, but in reality it was only a few seconds

Elizabeth was puzzled, trying to think why he was acting weird

"Can I help you?" She asked in her unusual honest and polite manner, her voice seemed to break him out of a trance, he scoffed at her and walked into miss Raven's office

Elizabeth's eyes followed him as he walked into the room and shut the door, leaving her with many thoughts running through her head

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Miss raven's words blurred when the passed Enoch's ears, he's gotten used to miss raven repeating the same sentences regarding his behavior

"Enoch your behavior is unacceptable"

"Enoch you need to be less hostile"

"You need to show some respect to our guest"

He's heard it all before, so he learned to just zone out while she scowled him

His mind drifted someplace else, thinking of anything besides what the headmistress is telling him, his thoughts landed on the green eyed girl he so much didn't like and intrigued at the same time

He knows nothing about this girl, she could be an enemy for the wights for all they know, he was annoyed at how naive everyone in this house was, welcoming a stranger with open arm as if there weren't people hunting them down as they speak

She might seen as an innocent and harmless girl, but she could be pretending just to gain their trust, well the other might believe her act, but not enoch, something about that girl gave Enoch a weird feeling, he didn't like it, so that girl must be up to no good

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