Chapter 6

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Enoch didn't take long before meeting Elizabeth and Heather in the garden, He was carrying three small jars full with some strange liquid and something floating in it, he also carried a brown leathered bag, hanging from his shoulder

"What are those for?" Elizabeth asked I a low voice to Heather, who just giggled

"You'll see in a moment" she replied with a smile, which unfortunately didn't reassure Elizabeth a lot, Enoch sat down in front of them, the tree dolls that the girls were playing with earlier laying between them

"Let just get this over with" Enoch muttered putting his stuff down next to him, he grabbed one of his jars and twisted the cap to open it, then he grabbed what looked like king tweezers and used them to reach inside the jar

Elizabeth watched curiously to see what was Enoch was doing, but what she wasn't prepared for was for Enoch to pull out a small red piece of what looked like meat from the green liquid, Elizabeth looked at heather who seemed a little disgusted but overall unfazed

"Umm...what is that?" Elizabeth asked curious

"Rat heart" enoch asked simply, not taking his eyes of his work as he grabbed the red dressed doll, Elizabeth's eyes widened at his response, not knowing what to say besides "oh"

Enoch inserted the organ to a hole in the back of the doll, Elizabeth notice the premade hole so she guessed that he has probably done this before, once he was done with the fancy dressed doll, he did the same thing with the other two, then he laid them all in the grass

There was a moment where nothing happened, Elizabeth glanced at enoch at he stared at the dolls, she looked back down at the dolls as she waited for something to happen, Elizabeth's eyes widened when she noticed the toy soldier move an arm, then a leg, then it's head, the little soldier was moving all on its own, and so did the other two toys, soon enough the toys were moving around, jumping, playing out scenarios like they were real people

Heather laughed and giggled in delight, enjoying the little show, Elizabeth was between surprised and fascinated, she realized that this was probably Enoch's peculiarly, she had never seen anything like it, well to be honest... she had never seen much of anything until a month ago, but she couldn't help but feel captivated by what was in front of her

Enoch glanced at the girls, he was already used to Heather's reactions so he didn't payed much mind to her, he was mostly looking at Elizabeth, wanting to see her reaction, waiting for a sign, anything that showed that she wasn't who she said she was

but she looked completely interested, which was surprising to Enoch, not only because she didn't look suspicious at all, but usually when people see his peculiarly for the first time, they seemed appalled or gross out, sometimes both

But Elizabeth...she seemed...intrigued, fascinated even, he's never seen that before in a person when he showed his peculiarity, Enoch had to admit, it felt a little nice to have someone not immediately look revolted for his peculiarity

But it wasn't long before Enoch came back to reality, he had to remember, it was all an act, a performance to get them to trust her, he'd had to admit, she was a pretty good actress, but not good enough for Enoch to fall into her tricks

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Not so long later, it was lunchtime, everyone had gathered in the dining room as usual, and sat down in their designated spots

conversation flowed around the dining table as usual as everyone enjoyed their meals, of course enoch did not care for such things as he remained silent

Elizabeth, although she did not talked much, she payed close attention and remained engaged in the discussion

Lunchtime ended as usual, Elizabeth and Heather helped clean up the table and wash the dirty dishes, after they were done Elizabeth had some free time in the afternoon

Elizabeth decided to go to the library, Miss Raven had mentioned that there was a section of books about basic reading comprehension and a other things like that so that she could use for practice and even bring to her lessons, so she decided to spend her free time to see the books

Fortunately for her, the library was pretty much desolated, not that she minded the company but she was not really fond of talking about her illiteracy to her other house mates

She looked for the section that Miss Raven had indicated, which just so happened to be on the back corner of the room, she approached the book aisle and she remembered, she looked at all the books on the shelf and she realized something

Miss raven had told her the names of the books she needed and a brief description of what they looked like, but it was hard to recognize them when you can not exactly read the tittles of the books

She could recognize letters but she still could not recognize most of the words on the spines of the books, she just stood there, not quite sure what to do, she did not want to ask for assistance, thinking it would be a little embarrassing

she took a few defeated steps to leave before she back up further into the aisle a little panicked when she heard the doors open

She did not get to see a chance to see the identity of the person who walked into the room, but she hoped that they would leave soon

She stood facing the bookshelf quietly, being scared to make the smallest sound, eventually the footsteps stopped for a moment and Elizabeth held her breath, then suddenly those footsteps seemed to be coming closer, the unknown person reached the other side of the room

"Oh, Hi Elizabeth I didn't notice you were there" Sebastian greeted kindly, Elizabeth felt a slight relief when she saw Sebastian, he has been really kind to her ever since they met so it was nice to see him

"Hello Sebastian" she greeted back in a politely manner and even though she still felt a little awkward "I was just looking for a book that I need" she explained not wanting to elaborate more

"Well do you need help finding it?" Sebastian kindly offered "what book are you looking for?" He asked

Elizabeth told Sebastian what she was searching for and he aided her to find exactly that, then he offered to help her study for a while, which she reluctantly accepted, which fortunately she found it to be a really pleasant time, he was really nice and patient with her and she actually managed to retain a lot more information than she did before

After a few hours later it was time for dinner, Sebastian and Elizabeth left the library to head to dinner

But as they exited the library, they crossed paths with Enoch

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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