C4: Just happy to help

332 13 20


TWs: Sickness, Pills, mentions of poison, suicidal thoughts??, thoughts of death, welcoming death, medicine, aches, pain, mentions of puke, nausea, dizziness, headaches, normal flu-like symptoms, mentions of past abuse, mentions of past fighting, swearing (obviously), chest pains, eating problems, possible ed, excuses towards eating, mentions of starvation, slight blood, mentions of car wreck, small mention of suicide, mentions of making self puke (Bulimia)

Tommy awoke with a groan, feeling slightly off, although slightly was an understatement. His body felt tired and he didn't feel like moving at all, he would rule this out as just lack of motivation, but he also couldn't really breathe and he kept having the urge to cough. His throat was very dry and sore and felt swollen. Fuck, am I sick? I hope I'm not. If I am, I have to avoid everyone at all costs, I don't want them to get sick.

Tommy attempted to sit up, but got so dizzy he fell back onto his pillow. He laid there for a minute before rolling over and glancing out his window, it looked as though it was around noon. Shit, Phil is going to be up here to supposedly wake me soon, maybe if I just pretend to stay asleep he won't bother me.

Tommy laid there, feeling as if seconds were hours, he rolled over for what felt like the hundredth time before there were a few knocks at his door. Tommy turned slightly and closed his eyes, sliding his blanket over his head even though the heat of it made it harder to breathe.

Soon enough, Tommy heard his bedroom door open slightly, he hoped whoever was at the door wouldn't come in and leave him in peace to suffer in his pain of illness, but he could only hope as he heard his bedroom door close and footsteps approaching his bed.

Tommy stayed as still as possible, trying his damn hardest to appear asleep, but to all his dismay, the blanket was ripped off of him, he decided to play it off as just being woken up. That should work, I'm an awesome actor! Plus Phil seems slightly gullible. Tommy thought to himself inwardly.

Tommy opened his eyes slowly, hoping to see Phil waking him up like he had said he would earlier, only to be shocked with the broad face of Techno. Fuck. This might just still work. I fear what will happen if it doesn't. "Morning, Techno..." Tommy murmured cautiously. Although his voice cracked and was weak, he hoped the boy would assume it was from him just waking up.

"You don't look well." Techno said softly. Tommy looked at him, half faking a confused face. How would he know? "How, the fuck would you know, we haven't even really met yet." Tommy replied harshly, his voice croaking from weakness.

Techno just seemed to ignore his harsh reply, an amused look on his face. "Well, you look pale for starters and no sane person should have that weak of a voice. Plus, you just have a sickly gleam to your eyes." Techno paused for a second before continuing. "Let me go ask Phil for some medicine."

Before Tommy could reject, Techno was walking out of his room, he just curled into himself and decided to go back to sleep, although panicked thoughts were flooding through his mind.

What if the medicines are poisoned?

What if Techno was lying?

I would prefer he did, I would rather die of sickness.

If i died, there would be no more pain

No more wars with my own mind

No more abusive households

No more problems

Maybe I'll just pretend to take the medicine and let the sickness get worse so I can die?

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