Chapter 3-The Caucus Race

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"Gather around! Gather around!" A strange voice boomed, "It's time for the Caucus Race! Gunter, Günter, Ginter! It's time!" "Oh, hooray!" Piranin cheered, "It's time for the Caucus Race! Come on Parsley, let's go!" The two guys walked up to a huge, lump shaped rock and sat nearby two other spectators; One of them was a hermit crab, the other a starfish. "Hello, everyone!" The strange man welcomed; His skin was a light shade of blue, and had a long, white beard going down to the end of his dark blue robe, which made him look like Santa Claus. He also wore a golden crown with red, rhombus shaped gems plastered on. "I'm the Ice King, and welcome to the Caucus Race!" The strange man cleared his throat before continuing, "It's a special kind of race where three of my precious little penguins race against each other around this big ol rock! Now, who's ready?" Piranin and the other two guests clapped and cheered, while Parsley remained silent.

"Parsley! Why aren't you clapping?" Piranin scolded, "You can't be so grumpy on a day like this!" "Yeah, what he said!" The starfish agreed. "Well, young man..." The Ice King said to Parsley, "If you're gonna be a grumpypants, why don't YOU join the race? That'll cheer you up!" "What? No I don-" The Ice King didn't give the young man a chance to speak, as he dragged Parsley towards the "racers". "Now, on your marks...get set....GO!" The penguins began waddling around the rock, with Parsley's footsteps causing them to stumble at times. "You can do it, Parsley!" Piranin cheered, "I know you can do it!"

"And would you look at that!" The Ice King said, "It looks like the odd one out's the winner of this week's Caucus Race!" "I have a name you know." The strange man leaned downwards and filled what seemed to be a jar up to the brim with sand. "Here ya go!" He beamed, "A jar of sand!" "Uh...Thanks?" Parsley walked away awkwardly as the "crowd" cheered and clapped for the winner of a race that didn't feel like a race, and the winner of that race was him.

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