Chapter 4-An Errand for a clock

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As Parsley walked off with the jar of sand, a familiar figure ran past him. Why, it was Tony! The very same guy that Parsley encountered back home, but where was he going? "Mary Ann!" Tony scolded, "What are you doing out here, standing in the middle of nowhere? Go to my house and get me my gloves and fan, that'll give you something to do" "Sir, m-my name's not Mary Ann, it's Pa-" "DO WHAT I SAY, MARY ANN!!!!" "Alright, alright! Jesus, you don't have to scream at me!" Parsley marched off to the clock's house, the jar of sand still in his arms.

After a few minutes of walking, he finally came around to Tony's cozy little home. It was blue with a quaint little clock above his door. Parsley walked inside, placed the jar of sand on a coffee table, and walked up the stairs and into Tony's bedroom. He didn't find the gloves and fan like asked. Oh no, no, no! Instead he found a little box of sugar cookies similar to the ones Charlotte the doorknob gave him. "Huh, I didn't know Tony baked cookies for a hobby! I am getting pretty hungry as well..." He pondered for a bit, looking at the sugar cookie while doing so. "Eh, what can go wrong?" Parsley popped a few cookies into his mouth. No, scratch that, he ate all of the sugar cookies in that box! "Say, Tony's not all that bad at baking, I might-"

Suddenly, Parsley grew and grew until his head touched the ceiling, and his arms and legs broke several windows!  "F*ck me!" He shouted, "Not again! I can't trust anything in this place, can I?" Meanwhile, Tony was tapping his foot on the ground impatiently, waiting for "Mary Ann" to get his gloves and fan. "Oh, that's it!" He exclaimed, "What's taking her so long?!" He stomped inside, only to be greeted with Parsley's giant foot. "Oh! OH MY GOD!!" He screeched, "It's a monster!!!" He ran around frantically, like an overexcited dog. "HELP!!! HELLLLP!!!" Just then, Tony's neighbor walked up to his house with a tired look on her face. "Ugh...Tony, what is it now?" His neighbor looked just like Mrs. Millet, with the same dull green hair and dress. "It's-It's THAT!" He pointed to Parsley, who was as big as a house by then. "Oh my god..." Mrs. Millet exclaimed, "It's a monster! Quickly, get some rocks to throw at that thing!" "Ma'am! It's just me, Parsley!" The young mans pleads were nothing to the two idiots down below, as the both started throwing rocks at his face.

Just then, it looked like the rocks were turning to cakes; Black forest cake specifically. 'Hey, these cakes aren't that bad!' Parsley thought. As he ate more and more of the ant sized cakes, the young man shrank and shrank until he was no higher than a blade of grass. Thankfully, Parsley was able to jump out the window before getting to such a size. After doing such a dangerous stunt, he was greeted to a field of flowers varying from tulips to marigolds! With no other choice, he ran inside the jungle of flowers and didn't even bother to look back at the wreckage that was Tony's house.

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