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"Adrien remember that you have..."

"School at 8:30, fencing at 1:30, then piano practice and Chinese class!" he lists at Natalie, beating her to it. "But first and foremost, the breakfast for two that my father has been promising me for months!"

"Um... about that ..." she glances away, off screen, feeling awkward about ruining the teens good mood.

"What? Ah he's canceled, hasn't he?"

"No! No, you will meet with him... but for a work session!" Any slimmer of hope Adrien had for a relaxed morning was crushed. "Last night, your father had an idea for a new ad campaign. Please put on these clothes before joining him in his study."

Adrien grabs the clothes from the robot as Natalie hangs up the call.

"Well, I for one would love to have breakfast with you!" Adrien's Kwami appears out of nowhere with a slice of awful smelling cheese that has become more than familiar to Adrien.

"I'm Froggy here I come! I'm not afraid of anyone!"

Adrien sighs, scratching his neck "I've had it Plagg! I'm tired of the photos and ads! I don't want to be a model for my fathers brand anymore! I just want to be his son and have breakfast with him just once! I'm gonna go talk to him."

"You do realize your father will take this very badly, right?"

"I'm willing to take that risk!" Adrien exclaims as he storms out the room and downstairs to his father's study.

"Father, I need to talk to you!" Adrien all but shouts as he slams the study's doors open.

"Now's not the time, Adrien." Gabriel shoots back in front of their audience of Lila, Bob Ross and Adrien's usual photographer, "Go change into the clothes you're supposed to be wearing."

With a glare from Gabriel, Adrien accepts defeat and complies. Maybe now just isn't the right time to bring it up.

"Come on, don't give up! Rebellions are like souffles. Just 'cause they collapse, doesn't mean you shouldn't try again!" Plagg attempts to encourage the defeated boy as he walks up the stairs towards his room.


"A girl. A boy. They search for each other all over the world before finally meeting in Paris, at the top of the Eiffel Tower."

"This is even more romantic than the Hollywood film I starred in" Lila says while hugging the blond boy.

"Lila, we both know that's not true," he deadpans "I may have to work with you, but I don't have to listen to your lies."

While their hug tenses, Bob Ross consults Gabriel across the room, "Gabriel, all this scenery is gonna cost us a pretty penny in greenscreens and pasteboard backdrops!"

"There will be no pasteboard backdrops, Bob. I want sincerity. I want truth. The shoot will last several months all over the world. Adrien and Lila leave this afternoon."

"What? I cant leave Paris!" Adrien turns at his words, looking frantic.

"Is there a problem, Adrien?"

Lila buts in "You're afraid of being far from your friends. But when I was traveling around the world, I stayed in touch with you all, and it only made us closer." She goes in to hug Adrien again.

"So there's no problem." Ignoring his sons comment he continues "At the end of the ad, using CGI, they'll meld together to become the perfume bottle. Two souls, one mind, one heart. First Love, the fragrance!"



"Come on! Places everyone! Latecomers will speak to the principal later." The group of teens spread across the court, chatting, while they wait for their PE lesson to begin.

Temporary Chat- Marinette/Ladybug x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now