Bugs and Gossip

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With barely a few seconds to spare, I make it back onto my balcony before my ring stops beeping and I detransform. A green light over takes me with blinds me for a second, then I look up and see the magical cat creature that flew out the ring when I first put it on.

I almost forgot about this little detail.

"I'm hungry. Do you have any cheese?"

Still shocked it can even speak, I reply "So you can talk too. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool. Um I- I think I have some Babybels in the fridge, just um... wait here."

After sneaking past my snoring dad on the sofa and nearly running into my sister, I made it back upstairs with an armful of Babybels. "So, not to be rude but what are you exactly?"

"Plagg, nice to meet you. I'm the Kwami that gives you your powers. This cheese sucks, I need Camembert next time."

"The stinky cheese? I guess I could grab some from the shops after school."

"Good, and you better not be stingy, transforming really gives me a big appetite."

So he's a cheese crazed demon- I mean kwami.

"What happened to the original chat noir, Plagg?" I asked while I start getting ready for bed.

Chat Noir must be a touchy subject for the creature because he suddenly became quiet and awkward, a complete 180 to how he was acting a second ago.

"He had to give up the miraculous for a while, but its only temporary. The rest is classified information."

"So I cant know whose behind the mask?"

"Definitely not. Both yours and his, and Ladybug's identities have to be a secret."

Hearing the superheroine's name makes me completely lose focus on the conversation. "mmm Ladybug, isn't she amazing?"

"Seriously, another cat holder obsessed with Ladybug? Give me a break."

"Sorry subject change, what should my hero name be?"

"Tell me what you've got so far."



"Kitty Noire?"


"Black cat?"

"That's just chat noir in English."

"Cat Woman?"



"Like the cat food brand?"

Yeah he's got me there, I'm running out of ideas.

"Ummm... how about Minette?"

"Minette? Hmm I guess I can work with Minette, that's not the worse name I've heard."

"um thanks I guess?" Was that even a compliment? "Can you tell me more about the miraculouses?"

For the next five minutes I sit still, my eyes trying to follow the small black bug flying my room while he explains everything about the miraculous, the yin and yang relationship between mine and ladybugs, and the miraculouses Hawkmoth original stole and the ones he stole recently. I probably should have taken notes since it was a lot of information to take in at once.

"You can also use powerups if the situation calls for it, but again, Ladybug will explain it all for you tomorrow. For now you should get some sleep."

I look at the clock yawning, Its way past midnight. "Right. Thanks Plagg. For what its worth, im sorry Chat Noir had to leave for now but I hope we can still have fun. Goodnight."

Temporary Chat- Marinette/Ladybug x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now