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Today has been a day full of dumb decisions. Firstly I skipped my PE lesson because I felt too anxious to go. It was tough trying to explain to my best friend, Alix, why I didn't show up to our first ever PE lesson together since middle school. Secondly, during the akuma attack, instead of staying inside my dad's house where its safe, I decided to be nosey and try observe the villain from out street. Thirdly, when I saw a poor kitten sleeping on said street, where a car was speeding towards it, I jumped into action and snatched the cat to safety with only seconds to spare.

If I had to be honest, I would still do the last one all over again if given the choice, because this black cat was adorable. A few seconds after my rescue, a certain red and black superheroine dropped in front of me and the cat, scaring us both. She looked up and stared at me bewildered, while I stood there starstruck.


Ladybug snapped out of it and asked "(Y/N)? Are you okay? Were you hurt?" but it took me a while to comprehend that my idol was talking to me.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

"Uhh Sorry! Sorry, I'm okay really, I just wasn't thinking before I jumped into action".

"I'm glad you're okay but that was really dangerous, you could have gotten hurt. You had good intentions but leave the rescuing to Chat N...oir and I..." she trailed off when saying Chat's name.

"Umm Ladybug? Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah sorry about that, I just dealing with a lot and shit... I need to go fight this villain" Ladybug is hit with the reminder of the villain "but I also need to find someone first".

"Who do you need to find? Maybe I can help?" I'm not sure how I could help one of Paris' superhero but I want to try at least.

"I'm froggy here I come! I'm not afraid of anyone!"

Ladybug scratches her neck, looking unsure before finally deciding and looking me in the eyes "Actually yes, I need a favour". She opens up her yoyo and pulls out a small, wooden box. "(Y/N) (L/N), this is the miraculous of the cat, I need you to join me as the temporary chat noir and defeat this villain".


"Cat miraculous? But what about Chat Noir? This feels like too much pressure and I'm really not the person for this job I've never-"

"Relax, you'll be fine, its only for this fight and the other heroes will be there to support you" Ladybug assures me before pushing the box into my hands. I give her a reluctant look before opening the jewellery box, being blinded by a weird light.

A ball of light shoots out the box and floats at eye level, until it dims showing a levitating cat plushie that blinks?

Before I can pinch myself to check if I'm having another weird dream, Ladybug catches my attention by saying "say 'Plagg claws out' to transform". Feeling confused and anxious, I repeat the words back to her before I am engulfed in a bright light.

I look down to see my cream jumper and brown jeans are replaced with a black latex like suit with a golden bell, identical to Chat Noirs.

There's no time to think about the science behind my outfit change before Ladybug tells me to follow her and runs off towards the villain. As I chase after her, I start to notice differences in myself, like how I can run at least two times faster than before and how much stronger I feel.

Ladybug grabs me towards her and throws her yoyo onto a buildings roof. I try to ignore the blush spreading on my face as she launches us onto the roof to continue running towards the danger. As we get closer and closer, I can see more people running. Except they're running towards the ginormous spike man?

Temporary Chat- Marinette/Ladybug x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now