Jokers Call

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For I see you, my Harley crying
I feel you, inside dying
Your breaking, from the inside out
As my heart breaks, you begin to pout

Know when your Joker says to the end
You know I do not pretend
I always try to be clear
I've always helped you with your fear

Maybe that was not what you came for
But you see my heart is still torn
Into little pieces ripped long before
Any women walked in my door

From another kind of hell
The one that's endless
Says ring that bell
Count me out I am done
I can barely even run
From all of those terrors

For I wish to see that bearer
Say goodbye
Farewell to all
Unfortunately, it's not my call
Up to the gods at be
Somehow that's all I can see
In the meantime I sit and wait
Wondering why I debate
Every little thing I see
Even thorough it brings pain to me

But I continue to got at it
For my pen sometimes is lit
There's just no way now stopping it
All the times I couldn't speak
Being told to close my beak
Well that was a long to past in the brain
Now there's a man down going insane

Writing away everyone inside
Sometimes death I do confide
In that idea is endless
It's hard nights I am defenceless
Against the demons that pursue
Only if half of them knew
What it's like to just sit there
All alone in ones chair

Looking into the abyss
Only when you start to miss
All the good times that we had
Deepens Emotions of ugly sad

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