Chapter 2

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TW: A bit OOC, Swearing


A loud alarm clock rang as Ayato covered his ears using the sides of his pillow.

The beeping was starting to annoy Ayato so he rolled over before a loud THUD was heard.


Ayato groaned as he felt a cold shudder of realization.


How could Ayato feel pain?

I mean Ayato is human, just a broken one but didn't he only feel pain whenever it was related to Teako? And did he just felt annoyed? He never felt anything when Teakos not involved though...

Ayato kept thinking of possible answers when his mother came in.

"Ayato sweetie, dont you have school today?" His mother, Roboya Aishi said sounding angry but in a sweet voice.

'I have school? Didn't it already shut down? Or did Info-Kun lied to me...'

As Ayato remained silent, he thought of the question Info-kun texted him last night. 

Suddenly,  a tall figure opened the door and hugged his mother.

Ayato was already at his cabinet where he kept a spare knife but before he could run and go stab the guy near his mother. 

The figure showed itself and spoke:

"Ayato. You're making Osano late again if you keep this up" A somewhat deep and steady voice echoed as he nuzzled in his mothers shoulder

"Your fathers right Ayato, you shouldn't keep your friends waiting" Roboya Aishi said while closing her eyes and kissing her husbands cheek.


Ayato blinked

'Father? THATS father'

'Osano? Friend? I'd kill the guy than be friends with that carrot head!'


Clearing his head, Ayato decided to ready up for school fast before he gets more late and mother gets mad.

Of couse it was also because he didn't wanna see father and mother acting lovey-dovey with each other. It was weird.


Ayato stuffed toast in his mouth before putting on his shoes and getting his bag.

He went out the door before his parents said their goodbyes.

Ayato felt empty at their goodbyes.


A loud scream pierced Ayatos ears. 

"You kept me waiting for so long you idiot!" Osano complained.

Ribaru looked to be exhausted but still tried to keep Osano from shouting too loudly since the neighbors might file a complaint.


Ayato felt annoyed but kept his expression looking guilty and sad before softly saying "..sorry" 

Not giving a damn about Osano, Ayato thought of Teako. After all, if Osanos alive, maybe Teako is too.

Ayatos heart pounded at the thought of Teako and his pale skin flushed a tint of pink. Completely forgetting the fact that Teako just died and hated him to death.

"Osano, thats too mean" a pleasing and somewhat annoyed voice got everyone's attention 

"W-w-WHAT!" Osano shouted, he seemed to be embarrassed.

Osano continued to talk about how he wasn't mean and was just stating the truth while Ribaru tried to calm Osano and that person down.

Ayato tried to look at this person more to see if it was Teako since the person had black hair and was holding Teakos favorite book. 

'maybe her voice just changed?'

"Look how sad Ayato is!" The person said as they pointed at Ayato "Apologize right now."

"I-I ALREADY SAID SORRY!" Osano shouted once more. Sounding more aggrieved and a bit annoyed. 

*Aggrieved means feeling resentment or unfairly treated

'i did hear a soft sorry but ill just stay silent'

"Really? I didn't hear you say it to Ayato." The person said as he went closer to Osano. Looking closely, he was taller than  Ayato.

"Guys lets stop, were getting late" Ribaru said as he stood in-between them since it looked like they were going to fight each other.

Ayato went near Ribaru and nodded softly, he looked up to face the person. 

His heart pounded at  the thought that Teako stood up to him.

Ayatos brain and intuition told him that the chances of the Teako he knew being here was low since they were taller, had a deeper voice than before, and a vastly different aura too. His heart didn't listen, it ignored all the signs and still believed. 


Ayato felt butterflies all over again like the first time he saw Teako. 

Of course Ayato was still scared that what if Teako remembered or what if she and him never talked and just a lot of 'what if' questions. 

Ayato tried to stop his negative thoughts since he was with his beloved Teako

As Ayato looked up





Ayato: "...."

Small Lil what ifs (Not canon on this fanfic)

Ayato: "...."

Author: "Maybe Teako just has a flat chest and she cut her hair here?"

Ayatos Heart❤️: "..Yeah what if Teako just has a flat chest, short hair, a bit taller than me, broad shoulders, long legs and arms, and her voice changed!"

Ayatos Heart❤️: "I mean our fathers looks changed too!"

Ayatos Brain🧠: "Shut up."

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