Chapter 6

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Thursday, 3:23pm. Cram school

"HEY AYATO!" Osano waved

"oh hello Osano" Ayato responded while walking, "Where are the others?" 

"Their already at their clubs. Why are you so late by the way? Im gonna miss cram school you idiot." Osano wined

"Well did you want to go to cram school anyway?" Ayato asked before getting a quick "Hell no" from Osano

"Well then, ill try my best to always be late." Ayato joked which made Osano a bit flustered

"W-WELL ITS NOT REALLY A PROBLEM!" Osano said before quietly mumbling about how it would also lessen his alone time with Ayato if Ayato was late

"hm what was that?" Ayato asked,

"N-NOTHING IDIOT!" Osano stuttered out

Ayato clenched his fists tightly, 'why would you mumble something when you dont want me to hear it you absolute baboon.'


'well i think i could concentrate better when were not in the same classroom at cram school together..'

"yeah" Ayato softly replied before going on auto pilot mode


During cram school, Ayato tried his best to maintain good steady grades. 

'making my grades all of the sudden go up is really suspicious'

Not to brag but Ayato was pretty smart and athletic since he knew smart athletic boys with a 'cold and cunning to others but gentle and kind to you' kind of attitude was Teakos type.

Not to mention, his features started getting softer? Like his jawline got softer, his nose was a bit less angled and either everyone around him started getting taller or he was shorter. Instead of a tall gentle quiet guy look he had this slightly tall soft boy look. 

It wasn't really an eye catching transformation if you didn't look for it right away but he did change a lot. 

'not to mention, random people started talking to me more.' 

That could just be due to og Ayato popularity but he could see their change in attitude. Since Teakos type was a guy thats cold to others, Ayato naturally acted that way making him sort of friendless. Even when people tried to talk to him, it was obviously awkward unless Ayato did something

'lets focus on our grades first'  


During one of Ayatos walks to home, he encountered a cockroach 

"...ugh.." The blonde haired cockroach groaned, he looked directly at Ayatos eyes unintentionally before looking down on the floor seeming embarrassed 

'Its that b*stard' Ayato murmured in his soft voice

'i guess i need to help him, after all he already saw me and it wouldn't fit my image to just ignore him..' 

Looking down, the boy had long messy dirty blonde hair that would get too many school code violations to count, he had brown eyes, his uniform was dirtied and crumpled up with some blood on the corner of his mouth.

Looking up, Osoro saw Ayato. Ayato had just gone out from cram school(finished early) so he smelled like cold aircon, he had slick black hair coupled with his neat uniform and hazy slightly empty black eyes

'well he does look a bit nice' Osoro thought

Ayato looked at the bandages beside Osoro, it was dirtied with dust and blood, probably due to being in the alleyway

"Do you want me to help you?" Ayato said knowing full well that Osoro couldn't refuse

Ayato was right, Osoro wanted to refuse badly. He couldn't talk due to his injuries but he did try to shake his head to signal a no. Of course Ayato just pretended to not see his efforts

Ayato opened a hidden pocket under his bag which revealed some first aid kits, some unknown chemicals, and a comb, of course making sure Osoro doesn't see.

Ayato took out his water bottle and poured it on Osoros wounds making the guy hiss in pain. 

"Oh are you alright? I hope its not to painful.." Ayato said while making sure the water hits the deep parts of Osoros wounds to make it super painful. 

'i wish i brought warm water.. i would've hurt way more then' Ayato thought woefully

'...this fucking son of a bitc-' Osoro clenched his fists

Ayato then spent the next few minutes cleaning up and bandaging Osoros wounds, Ayato wanted to take Osoro somewhere else than an alleyway since it could cause infections for the wound but he couldn't lift up Osoro and it'd hurt Osoros wound way more if Ayato just dragged him by his feet

'..i want to say thank you' Osoro said in his mind, his vocal cords were too much in pain to say any coherent words

"Your voice probably hurts, drink some water" Ayato said handing out water, his water bottle was always full since Taro kept giving him his water

Ayato took the water bottle and stopped, he thought a bit. 'can he drink water? i might accidentally water board him'

Not willing to take the risk, Ayato took the water to his mouth and helped Osoro drink. Osoro of course shocked but knows that his body would probably have trouble drinking water if Ayato hadn't done that

But that didn't mean he wanted it!

Osoro cursed himself for losing such a fight and getting into a situation like this where he had to get help from another student. 

Not to mention, it was his first kiss too!

'no, its not really in a romantic setting.. plus Ayatos just helping me' Osoro thought. Contrary of the popular belief of his delinquents, Osoro didn't like Ayato

He was interested in him for fighting purposes but he wasn't sure if he would say he liked Ayato.

Ayato finished tidying up Osoros wounds, Ayato picked up Osoros phone and called the delinquents to come over and take care of the rest.

"Thank you." A girl with spikey blonde hair and yellow eyes bowed infront of Ayato shocking Osoro and the other delinquents. She said it very sternly and sincerely making everyone but Ayato flustered

'ah, i think i remember her, shes.. Umeji Kizuguchi, Osoros right-hand woman' Ayato thought, he remembers her confused and angry expression when the delinquents including Osoro got suspected for murder

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
"We really didn't do it! Believe us please..." A sorrowful yet determined girl yelled in the courtroom. Osoro is the strongest but if were talking about it mentally, then i'd be Umeji Kizuguchi. 

Even when faced with accusing charges and judgement, she was the last person to ever back down.

But in the end, she did have to give up, her family didn't have money to fight for her friends justice. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Ayato went back home and plopped onto bed, he was just tired really. 

Ayato never really cared about the consequences of his actions. Yes he plans things out but he never really cared how many people it was going to affect unless it involved Teako.

Ayato stopped thinking. 'lets deal with this tomorrow..'

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