Chapter 4

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Wednesday, 1:00pm. Lunch Break 

Its been a few days since Ayato is in this new world, hes learned a lot.

The Ayato in this world is a extremely kind-hearted person who would help anyone, dense as a rock but very intelligent and had low self-esteem, sensitive and caring for people and animals alike.

'In other words he was a pushover, ignorant, brainless, and a stupid guy whose still somehow classified as intelligent.'

Ayato also noticed that every single handsome guy around him was taller than him, the bullies were  dumber and so were the delinquents, the headmaster and Saikou group knows his condition yet sees him as a harmless bunny, especially Meganmo. Everyone loved him while everyone who didn't like him were weirdos.

That Ayato was not a yandere.

Ayato contemplated for a while, he tried to text Info-kun as soon as he went back home but he his number had changed.

He went to find Info-kun the next day but all he got was someone. He looked like Info-kun but something felt off about him.

It felt like that Info-kun was in love with him but he didn't see any past history of this Info-kun and Ayato had together. Info-kun said it himself, it was the first time they met.

But then again, Info-kun lies a lot.

A weird note but, Info-kun looked at Ayato with the same lovesick eyes even though they just met. Like he fallen in love at first sight.

Ayato didn't like that at all.

It reminded him too much of his old self.


It wasn't hard to adjust, Ayato just had to act all innocent and pure... And really fucking dense. 

Anyone with common sense could see that Amao, Aso, Osano, and Taro liked him yet the whole school still thinks their JUST friends.

For example:

Just when Ayato was on his way to class, "Ayato! Would you like some octo dogs?" Amao said handing out a bag stuffed with octo dogs

"Sorry Amao but no thank you, eating hotdogs this early might make my stomach sick" Ayato said putting his most polite voice on display.

While trying to find the garden club "Oh hey Ayato, wanna swim with me? I brought two sets of uniform with your size on so we can hang out!" Aso shouted from a distance

Ayato would internally say: 'who would want to swim in your sweat you athletic fuck and how do you know my swimming size?'

But he'd reply with a sweet tired voice: "I would love too but im a bit tired right now Aso"

Even when Ayato is just trying to burn things in the incinerator at school, "AYATO! Lets fight again, i've improved a lot so lets see whose better now." Osoro smirked "Whoever wins gets this bag of limited edition cookies." Osoro looked real smug while saying that

"Can we join boss?" Another delinquent called out

"No" Osoro sent a death stare to the delinquent lacky

Just then, Shiromi ran towards the commotion: "No fighting unless you guys wanna get detention!"

Ayato sneakily went away.

'no matter what i do, their always there.' Ayato started to go to the rooftop

"AYATO!" Osano shouted

"Where were you? we've been waiting for you for sooooo long at the rooftop!" Osano whined while Taro went over and helped Ayato carry his lunch box

Ayato felt his heart soften

'Taro does look like Teako..' Ayato thought, ever since coming back, hes learned that Taro, Osano, and Ribaru were childhood friends with him

They continued talking talking up until they got to the rooftop.

"Oh yeah i almost forgot to ask, have you joined any clubs yet Ayato?" Said Ribaru

'I wish you forgot

"Im thinking of joining the cooking club when it opens up. We can cook together if you join Ayato." Osano smiled faintly"-uhh BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT TO OKAY??" Osano hurriedly added.

"Ill go to any club you join Ayato" Taro chimed in

'Well i joined the gaming club but its a bit useless now knowing what reputation i have and how many eyes are on me. Sure its great having my rivals fall inlove with me rather than Teako but for one, Teako is not here, two, i have to watch what i say since i have this Holy Mary reputation, and three, Info-kun is.. not trustworthy right now I would much rather not have a lovesick Info-kun whose feelings get the better of him than business.'

"Maybe student council?" Ayato replied shyly

"Woah really? Thats great!" Said Ribaru 

"Are you sure? I know you're super smart but doesn't Meganmo hate you or something" Osano worriedly added

"I dont think Meganmo hates me Osano, and even if he did i doubt that would be a valid reason for him to not let me join." Ayato said, smiling gently

"i-im not sure if i can even apply with my grades but ill try my best!" Murmured Taro, cutely clenching his fist

Ayato smiled to Taro, he wasn't Teako but he gives off a familiar feeling to her. Ayato got his lunch box and started to eat, although he had to borrow a spoon because he couldn't find his.




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