Chapter 5

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TW: sexual harassment, pedophilia

Thursday, 3:18pm. Dismissal

Ayato had 2 goal, one is killing and torturing Mido and two is finding out what happened. But right now he really wants to kill Mido.

"Your not paying attention are you Ayato?" Mido smiled slyly as he closed the distance between Ayato and him "I should really give you something more since you've been so bad.." 

Mido caressed Ayatos chin, placing his hand on Ayatos left thigh just after ruffling his hair. Mido went closer to Ayatos face all while making sensual comments.

"Ayato, did you know that your the most mature student i've  ever met? Such a shame your just 18 but i-"


The door suddenly opened, a certain messy hair with an eyepatch occult club leader kicked the door open. The loud noise made Mido freeze and look at the ruckus.

The boy quickly took Ayatos hand and lead him outside the classroom, although in the process Mido 'accidentally' tripped.

'ah, what's his name again?' Ayato thought, he felt a familiar feeling coming from this guy

Ayato tried to take a closer look at him but the guy just kept running away to the classroom. Ayato had to stop him before they went outside school gate and get caught by Shiromi. 

Ayato looked at their deeply intertwined hands, he then looked at the boy. His hair was pretty messy from all that running and his uniform were all crumpled up.

"ugh, s-sorry.." The boy said now letting go of Ayatos hand

Ayato tucked the boys messy hair only to reveal a snot stained crying face. His long eyelashes wet with tears while his nose and eyes were both red.

'oh its Oko' Ayato recognized, he wiped Okos tears and unintentionally, his snot too using his hands. Ayato felt disgusted but he didnt removed his hand.

" sorry" Ayato quietly said

"Why... Why did you just let that-that bitch touch you like that!" Oko cried out, he stopped looking down and looked Ayato straight in the eye, tears streaming down his face.

"ALSO DONT SAY SORRY!" Oko screamed, Ayato just hugged him.

"Its not your fault Oko, i just need to endure this." Ayato said smiling gently at Oko, just like always

Ayato comforted Oko near the gate entrance for a while.


Drip, Drip

'that was pretty easy' Ayato thought while cozily lying down in bed

For the past week, Ayato has been thinking for ways to torture Mido and ruin him since he couldn't blackmail him again due to the reasons said in chapter 4.

And then he thought about Oko.

Specifically his relationship with demons and ghost. It was a perfect solution, Mido would live forever in torture and Ayato didnt have to risk anything since not many people believe in demons, plus how could they gather evidence to the court? 

Would they say :"Your honor, Oko summoned a demon." 

That just sounds fucking stupid

Ayato didn't feel too bad about manipulation Oko anyway, after all he'd known Oko's stalker behavior the moment he went outside.

He wouldn't be a good yandere if he didnt notice Oko was stalking him. From missing items to mysterious notes under his desk or lockers. Oko wasn't very good at hiding it, himself included.

'A stupid oblivious piece of shit that constantly used to cling to Teako and get her pity. I just need to push Oko to the right direction, hes always been like this anyway.'

Before Oko died, Ayato befriended him. 

Oko was a quiet kid but when pushed to the brink of insanity, he killed the bullies. Able to do the worst things imaginable when pushed the right direction but still be able to live peacefully.

In short, Oko was like a blank paper, able to change into anything but most importantly, very fragile.

When he befriended Oko, Ayato and him made a promise that Oko wouldn't confess to Teako. If Teako knew then she would've felt flattered and loved which made Ayato jealous and mad.

Sure Teako didnt return the feelings but Ayato wanted to be the only one to give her emotions. To make her feel happy, wanted, sad, anrgy, and many more. He wanted to be the only one Teako could and would rely to. 

Ayato killed Oko because he made Teako feel wanted.

Teako was his.




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