Chapter 1: Leaving

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A/N: Hey before we start please read the tws in the desc! Hope you enjoy!! : 3

Hang in there for this chapter. It gets better I promise 😭😭😭

Lukes POV

I never wanted this. I didn't ask her to give me the cloaking stone. Yet here I am lying on my bed of seaweed, waiting for the sun to shine through the water.

Tonight was stressful. My mom and I got into an argument how I never try lure anyone down. I'm not even attracted to females, so I'd suck at doing it anyway.

"Luke, Luke! It's time for you to go." my little sister Octavia said, while attempting to shake me awake despite the fact I'm 10xs bigger than her. "Do you have your bag and stone?" she said in a rushed but sad tone. "Yes, Tavia, I have everything." "Do you really have to go?" "Yes, I wish I didn't. I'll be back before you know it, ok?" I said in a attempt to comfort her. Sadly, it didn't work.

"Well, can I swim up to the surface with you?" she asked, her deep green eyes filling with tears. "Yea, of course! Just make sure mom doesn't see you." "It's not like she's awake anyway..." Tavia said in a disappointed groan.

Tavia's 2 years younger than me, so she's still in school. She's always been there for me, through the hell that was junior high, figuring out my sexuality, and last night when she tried to defend me. I've also tried to be there for her when she was struggling with people bullying her for her size (she's only 5'1 at age 17). She had the most beautiful singing voice I had ever heard. She always said that my singing was better, but we both knew hers was 1000xs greater.

Her hair's a dark brown and wavy. She's always had this deep love for astronomy. Sometimes I'd catch her sneaking out to the surface to look at the stars. I don't think she'll ever know how much I love her.

Its now time for me to leave. Tavia and I swam up to the shore, put the cloaking stone necklace on, pulled Tavia into one last embrace, and steeped out of the water.

My fairy disguise was... Interesting. I had legs, which was new, my gills and scales were gone. I was wearing a collared button-up and jeans. My wings were blue that faded into dark green. The only features of my body that stayed were my curly hair, my deep green eyes, and my rather muscular body.

As soon as I tried to walk, I fell straight down on my face. I mean, I've been in water and now just got legs, how was I supposed to know how?

It wasn't quite hard to figure out, actually. One foot on the ground while the others in front.

I sat on the beach for quite some time, pondering if I should've left. I could've just ran away, or swam away. That also leads me to what happened last night...

"Luke, sweetie, did you manage to get someone today?" mom asked while getting a bowl of crab. "No, but I did gets tons of fish," I respond, hoping she would accept it. "Lukie, you're 19, you've gotta start trying," she said placing the bowl of crab on the table. "Why? We can just eat crabs, fish, and fruit. Why do we need to eat other people?" "We've been doing it all our lives! And besides, it's getting harder to find other resources! You have to lure and kill a woman so we can survive! We can't just eat men!" mom was now yelling.

"Mom, calm down, I'm sure Luke will get someone soo-" "No!! He needs to get someone now!! He can't just feel off of aquatic life and fruit! We need to eat people to survive!!" mom screamed at Tavia. I knew it was a lie. The higher corrupt politicians of the sea made that up. Siren's don't need to eat people to survive.

"Luke! I want you to go up to the surface and lure at least one female fairy down!! And if you don't, I never want to see you again!" I was bewildered. Had she really meant it? "Go pack your bag Luke. You're leaving tomorrow morning. And if I see you again tomorrow you're out of the house completely," mom said, more calmly than before but still had an angered look on her face.

Now back in the present, I started to head toward the forest not too far from the beach.

As I approached it, I could hear laughter and faint music. Sounds like they're having a festival or something. Unless they do this everyday, which if my sister wasn't back home, I'd love to stay here for the rest of my life.

I would never come back if Tavia wasn't there. If only me and my mom were living there, I would've left years ago. Ever since dad died, the house hasn't been the same. He was hunted and killed by humans when I was 10.

Don't pity me. It happened a while ago and I'm over it. He just made the house more bearable. Mom wasn't constantly screaming at me to do something useful and I wasn't expected to kill and eat people.

When I finally made it to the forest, there were little fairy children running around and playing catch. There was a group of fairies playing music, they looked around my age.

One had deep hazel eyes, light brown wavy hair in a messy ponytail, and is playing the harp. She's pudgy and is pale with freckles. She was wearing a 1-shoulder dress with a lesbian pin of the left side. Her wings were light pink.

There was another girl there who was playing the clarinet. She has light green eyes and glasses. Her skin's dark and had a beauty mark under her right eye. She's wearing a two piece, a crop-top tank-top (that's a mouthful) and sweatpants, all dark green to match. She's also wearing a black choker and cuff earrings. Her wings were light green fade into teal.

A brown-skinned boy, who was sitting next to the harpist, is playing the violin. His eyes were also a light green, making him most likely related to the clarinetist, and had a green and light yellow vest with a light brown collared short sleave button-up underneath. He also has a necklace with a blue crystal attached to it and also has a stud earring in his ear. His hair's jet black and quiff cut. His wings were dark blue fade into light blue.

Last but most definitely not least, theres a white-skinned boy playing the flute. A white T-shirt and a black button-up unbuttoned on top. He was also wearing baggy jeans with decently big holes in them. His hair is light brown and wavy and cut just above his eyes. His eyes a light majestic blue. His freckles cluttered around his nose, which was pierced, and has studs and a industrial priercing. His wings were dark blue fade into dark grey.

The blued eyed boy had noticed me, and after everyone stopped playing, he asked, "May I help you?"

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